H;)w To Flirt: Epilogue

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"Well, what happened next?" Tessa asked excitedly.

Tessa's parents smiled down at their now nine year old daughter.

"Well" her mom said, "Danny and Cole's relationship grew from there. It took Cole almost a full year to build up the courage to actually ask Danny to be his girlfriend."

"Wow, Cole's such a chicken" Tessa laughed.

"I dunno" her father piped up, "if I would go as far as to say he's a chicken. Maybe he was just waiting for the perfect time..."

Tessa's parents shared one of those looks that she had always envied because of the love it held and then turned back to her.

"Cole was definitely a chicken" her mother grinned.

Tessa sighed and leaned back into the cushions, "I liked that story."

"Me too" her parents said at the same time before sharing that look again and both letting out short laughs.

"Now remember" Tessa's dad said as he tucked the covers up around her, "tomorrow all of the family is coming over to celebrate your birthday, so you have to be up early so that you'll be ready before they get here."

Tessa's face lit up in excitement, "are Uncle Ashton and the rest of the guys coming?"

Tessa's mom smiled warmly, "yes, Uncle Ashton, Tyson and Brody will all be there. Even grandpa will be there."

Tessa made a face that caused her nose to scrunch up in disgust, "grandpa's wife isn't coming though, right?"

"Oh Tessie, she's not that bad..." her mom trailed off.

Tessa rolled her eyes, "right."

"Okay, it's time for you to go to bed Monkey" her dad laughed.

Both her parents kissed the top of her head and started towards the door.

"Wait" she called.

Her parents stopped in the doorway.

"Can I have a glass of milk before I go to bed?"

Tessa's dad gave her mom an amused look, "she is definitely your girl Dan."

"It's called raising your daughter properly Cole. It's important that she understands the value of things like milk" her mom grinned before turning to Tessa, "I'll be right back with it Tess."

"Thank you Mommy" Tessa smiled.

"We love you" her parents whispered.

"Love you too" Tessa replied.

LOL k, that's it for the story of Cole and Danny :P Hope you all enjoyed it!

Please, Please, remember your ONE SHOTS!!!



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