Chapter 14: Back To School

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Heyyyy!! So sorry I didn't put a "A/N" before my little notes. I literally didn't know what that meant until yesterday. And this chapter skips ahead to the first day if school. So yeah!!! Enjoy!!!

Bradley POV

I wake up. Oh yeah, today's school! I check my alarm clock. 7:40am. OK, I better get ready. But first I text Sabrina.

Me: Hey B, you up?

B: Yeah, what's up?

Me: Are you nervous?

B: Kind of... How 'bout you?

Me: Not really. Anyways, you want me to drive you to school everyday? (A/N: They all are in the same school)

B: Sure, do you mind if I ask Rowan just for today?

Me: Uh sure.

I go downstairs and and make myself some toast. Then Sabrina replies.

B: Never mind, she's going with Peyton.

Me: Oh OK. Wanna video chat instead? I'm tired of typing...

B: OK, lazy boy!

We FaceTime.

"Hey B!!!!!" I say.

"Hey Bradley!" She says.

"I'm lazy to go to school!!!" I complain.

"Me too!!" She says.

"Did you eat breakfast yet?" I ask.

"Not yet, I'm making cereal." She replies.

"Oh, I made toast!" I say.

"Oh OK. Well, see you at school, I better get ready. Bye Brads!" She says, while blowing me a kiss.

"Bye B!" I say, while winking.

We end the call, and I finish my toast. I go upstairs, and get dressed in a plain white tee, and some normal jeans. I take a quick shower. And I check the time. 8:10. I grab my backpack, and get in my car. I drive to Sabrina's house. When I get there, I see Peyton at Rowan's house.

"Oh, hey bro." I yell from across the street.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asks.

"Picking up Sabrina. How about you?" I say.

"Picking up Rowan." He says.

We laugh.

"Oh well, see you at school." I say.

"Bye." He says.

I ring the bell to Sabrina's door, and she answers.

"Hey, B." I say.

"Hey." She says.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"Yeah let me just get my bag." She says.

I wait about 1 minute, and we both get in the car. We drive to school, and by the time we get there, it's 8:25am. Perfect. School starts at 8:30. We walk in holding hands. We get our schedules, and stuff. We compare them. So Sabrina and I have 3 classes in common, and we have the same lunch time. We head to our lockers. Our lockers are right beside each other! Cool. We put our stuff in and head to our first class. History. We're kinda early. Our teacher is Mr. Miller. Class wasn't that hard, and that was basically how the rest of the day went.
Hey lovelies!! So this was more of a filler chapter. Hope you liked it anyways! Love ya!! ;)

Karyn ;)

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