Chapter 11: Drama

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So that guy in the picture is just a picture of a random guy I found on Google. He's supposed to be a new character, but I won't give anything away. P.S this chapter is a bit longer than the others.


Sabrina POV

Bradley and I are hanging out at this really cute ice cream shop downtown, and someone walks through the door.

"NO. WAY." I say.

"What is it?" Bradley asks.

"Max just walked in." I say, shocked.

Bradley POV

"Max just walked in." Sabrina says.

Sabrina had a ex boyfriend named Max. He cheated on her with this other girl. Me and Rowan comforted her. She got better and comforted me, because the same exact thing happened to me. Lauren. Max comes over to us.

"Oh hey, Sab." He says.

"Hey Max." She says, giving him a death glare.

"Look, I know I treated you badly, but I broke up with the girlfriend that I cheated on you with because I miss you, babe." He says.

Sabrina rolls her eyes.

"Look, you broke my heart. And I have someone else now." She says, gesturing to me.

"Oh. OK. I'm sure your relationship will go perfectly." He says, in an angry and sarcastic tone.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"I don't know, but I want nothing to do with him." She says.

"Good. Because I love you." I say.

She blushes.

After our date, I come back home, and watch TV. After a few minutes, the doorbell rings. I open the door, and see my ex girlfriend, Lauren.

"Hey, Bradley. Look I really miss you. I want you back, babe." She says.

"I already have a girlfriend that I love so very much. Sabrina Carpenter." I reply.

"Wait.... Sabrina Carpenter? She's the reason that my boyfriend, Max dumped me." She says.

My eyes widen.

"Max is your boyfriend!? He's the one you cheated on me with?" I ask.

"Yeah..." She says, with guilt in her voice.

I hate him even more.

"I won't take you back.I have Sabrina." I say.

"Have a good relationship." She says angrily, storming off.

I don't know what that was about, so I decide to surprise Sabrina so we can hang out to take my mind off Lauren.

So I drive to Sabrina's house, but I park it ain her neighbourhood visitor's parking so she can't see my car from her window, or something. I walk to her house, and I'm SHOCKED. What do I see? Sabrina kissing Max. Her eyes are open, when he realizes me. She pushes Max, and runs after me.

"Bradley!! Wait!! I can explain!" She shouts.

I ignore her and get in my car. I shout the door firmly, and drive away.

Sabrina POV

It's time to hear my side of the story. No, I did not cheat on Bradley. Here is what happened:

After getting home from my date with Bradley, I went home, and I took a quick shower, and I went downstairs and sat on the couch. Suddenly, the bell rang. I opened the door, and standing there was Max. He grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. The exact moment Bradley walked in. Now I'm in my room. I feel so bad, so I got Sarah to drive me to Bradley's house. When I get there, I get out of the car, and what do I see? Bradley. Kissing. Lauren. I guess he moved on fast. I burst into tears as I get into the car. Bradley sees me, and he runs after me.

"B! I CAN EXPLAIN!" He says.

"WE'RE THROUGH!" I yell out the window.

We keep driving off.

"Are you okay?" Sarah asks.

"No. I thought Bradley was better. I've known him my whole life, why would he do this?" I say.


Hey guys!! Sorry about this!! I had to spice things up. Next chapter I'm putting a picture of Lauren. And isn't it funny Bradley's girlfriend on Good Luck Charlie is named Lauren, and his ex is named Lauren? I swear I didn't mean for that to happen. I just noticed that when I published the story.


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