Chapter 30: The Surprise

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Sabrina POV

Today I'm having a date with Kevin. We've been on like, 5 dates. He's a really nice, funny, sweet, and caring guy. We're meeting up at StarBucks. So I walk into StarBucks, playing Geometry Dash on my phone. Then I hear a guy cough, and I look up.

"Oh hey Kevin!" I say, hugging him.

"Hey Sabrina! Look I need to talk to you." Kevin says.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I ask.

"I'll explain after ordering." Kevin replies.

I order some pink lemonade, while Kevin just orders an oreo frappuccino.

"I think we should break up." Kevin admits.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" I ask, suddenly feeling sad.

"No, I really like you and all, but..." Kevin starts.

"But- what?" I ask.

"I see the way you look at Bradley. You like him, Sabrina. You really like him. I think you should be with him. There's nothing wrong with you. Or me. Maybe we're just not meant to be together." Kevin says.

"I understand. And you really think I should be with Bradley?" I ask.

"Yeah. I hope we can be friends. Thanks for understanding." Kevin says.

"Ok. I'll do it. I'll get back together with Bradley. And of course we can be friends! Also, thank you, too for understanding." I reply.

"Bye Sabrina." Kevin says, hugging me once more.

"Bye Kevin." I say, hugging him back.

He leaves, and I finish my pink lemonade. The lemonade is so bright! So I decide to Instagram it. After posting, I decide to go over to Bradley's house and surprise him with the news. But I'm feeling lazy so I decide to have a movie marathon before going. I watch the first Hunger Games movie, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay Part 1 and Part 2. Anyways, after that marathon, I text Rowan to tell her the good/bad news, while listening to 1D music.

Me: Row.

Me: Row.

Me: Row.

Me: Rowboat.

Me: Row.

Me: Are ya there?

Me: Row.


Row: Sorry I was taking a nap, then you woke me.

Me: LOL, anyways, Kevin broke up with me.

Row: Are you okay? Do you need me to come over with ice cream? (A/N: #FriendshipGoals)

Me: No, it's okay!

As I send that text, suddenly the doorbell rings. I get up from my very cozy couch and answer the door. It's Rowan with ice cream.

"Rowan! Really, I'm fine." I say, laughing.

"Are you sure? Wait, why aren't you crying? Aren't you sad?" Rowan asks.

"No, not really. Kevin made me realize I need to get back together with Bradley." I explain.

"And your best friend didn't? I'm offended!" Rowan teases.

"Anyways, so here's what happened. I walk into StarBucks for our date, when he says he needs to talk to me. First we order some drinks, and-"

"Wait!! WAIITTTTTT!!!" Rowan says.

"What is so important that you need to interrupt my retelling of the situation?" I ask.

"What drink did you order?" Rowan asks.

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