Chapter 23: Halloween

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Sabrina POV

Today is Halloween. Rowan, Bradley, Peyton Meyer, Olivia Holt, Piper Curda, Peyton Clark, Sarah, Jake Short, and I have all decided on a costume. We are going to be HALLOWEEN! Did I just blow your mind? Yes, I guess I did.

Bradley is an H, Peyton Clark is an A, I'm a L, Piper is also an L, Olivia is an O, Sarah is a W, Rowan is an E, Jake is an E, and Peyton Meyer is a N.

So we're going to Peyton List's Halloween party, then we're going Trick or Treating.

We walk in to Peyton List's house.

"WOAH. Peyton, you're house is AMAZE!" I say to Peyton, who is in a fairy costume.

"Thanks. Make yourself at home." Peyton replies.

"Would you mind showing us around?" Rowan asks.

"Sure!" Peyton replies.

After Peyton agrees to show us around the boys leave to go to play with the foseball table. Now it's only Me, Sarah, Rowan, Olivia, and Piper.

"Over here is the living room," Peyton says, while we ooh and aah."here is the bathroom, this is the kitchen, this is the dining room, here is the other bathroom, this is my parents' room, here is my brother Phoenix's room, this is my brother Spencer's room, and this is my room!"

We walk into Peyton's room, and her room is GORGEOUS. It is light pink and blue, with some cute bumblebees on the wall. Everything is SOOO PRETTY.

"I know, the bumblebees are a little childish, but they just add that cute touch to the room." Peyton L says. "By the way, I LOVE your costumes!!"

"Thanks! And the bumblebees aren't childish at all! They're adorable!" I say.

"Thanks! I'm glad you guys are my friends! That reminds me, do you wanna sleepover at my house for 2 days?" Peyton asks.

"SURE!" We all say in unison.

"I just need to text my mom." I say.

5 minutes later

"My mom said 'Yes'!!!" I say, excitedly.


The girls and I had SO much fun! We had face masks, played Twister, and played Heads Up, also we played around with Dubsmash and posted some on Instagram.

Finally we were going to sleep.

"Hey guys, do you promise that through the ups and downs, we'll always stay friends?" Rowan asks.

"Of course." Piper says.

"Yeah!" Olivia says, cheerfully.

"Always!" I say.

"Promise." Sarah says.

"FOREVER." Peyton L says.

"Good night, everyone." Peyton says while turning off the lamp light.

As I'm sleeping, I feel someone kiss my forehead, and I smile.


Heyyyyyy!!! So SORRY for that suckish short chapter, but I'm making more parts of this, to make up for it! I'll TRY to update today again, but sorry for the Halloween delay. I've been SUPER busy! Sorry and birthday shoutout to my friend, Kiki, whose birthday was on the 1st of November. Bye my lovelies!



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