17- Tour Bus and Hospital

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Maya's POV

The flight to London seemed never-ending. I ran off the plane as fast as I could after we landed, putting distance between me and the hours of wishing Dad let me stay home.

The guys were close behind me as I grabbed my luggage and dragged it outside. There was a limo waiting to take us to where the tour bus was parked. I was silent in the car. I felt the guys staring at me but I refused to look at them knowing they'd try to talk to me.

We got on the bus, and I took a quick look around. I chose a bottom bunk and lay there, pulling the curtain shut. My phone started ringing, and I smiled when I saw it was Nick calling.

"Hi, Nick," I said when I picked up.

"Hey, Maya. What're you doing?"

"Wishing I was with you," I sighed.

"I wish you were here, too. But don't worry. The next five months will go by fast, and you're coming back for Christmas, too."

"Do you miss me?"

It was a stupid question, but I felt the need to ask. It was one of those things I had to be sure of.

"Of course I miss you. I forgot what it's like to hang out with our friends without you," he chuckled. "Can you promise me something?"

"Of course."

"Promise me that we'll make this work, that you won't leave me."

"I promise," I told him.

I rubbed the metal band on my wrist. The words engraved on my bracelet create duvets in my thumb as I press harder.

"Good. I have to go. Happy anniversary, Maya," Nick said.

"Happy anniversary."

I ended the call,  and the tears came back. I squeezed my pillow and cried. I let out loud sobs, allowing the negativity to leave my body.

My curtain was thrown open, and all of the guys stared at me. I turned the other way so they couldn't see my face. Someone picked me up and carried me to the back of the bus.

"I miss home," I cried into Dad's chest.

"I know," Dad said. "It'll be okay. This is something big for you. You'll get used to it."

I calmed down and removed myself from Dad's arms. Uncle Ash moved from the doorway to sit next to me with his lips slightly pursed.

"Guys, can I talk to Maya for a second?" He asked. "In private?"

"Why?" Dad asked.

"It's private, Michael. Nothing bad."

He nodded and kissed my forehead as he stood up, ushering the others out of the room.

Ashton's POV

I turned to look at Maya once we were alone and asked, "Maya, is Nick your boyfriend?"

Her expression remained neutral as she shook her head, but I knew she was lying. She played with her fingers in her lap; she did that when she was trying to hide something.

"You don't have to lie to me, Maya. I'm not stupid," I told her.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said.

She continued to avoid looking at me, picking at her cuticles.

"Come on, Maya. You can trust me. I won't tell Michael," I said.

"Fine," she sighs exaggeratedly. "Nick's my boyfriend. We've been together for the past four months. The only one out of you four who knows is Calum."

"Thank you for telling me. I just wanted to be sure since you can be very confusing sometimes," I joked, and she laughed.

"What are you going to tell Dad when he asks what we talked about? He won't let up about it," she says.

"Don't worry. I'll come up with something," I said and ruffled her hair. "The blue is fading."

"I know. I'm so sad."

She pouted and played with the ends of her hair. It reminded me of Michael.

"I'm going to get the others. I have something to tell you," I said and walked out before she could question me.

Michael's POV

Ashton called us back after talking to Maya. Calum and Luke barreled past me, planting themselves on either side of Maya.

"Hey, listen. I, uh, I have to tell you something," Ashton said. "I have a girlfriend."




"Wow. I didn't expect those responses," Ashton said, looking wide-eyed at the floor.

"I know! Great response, Dad. Questioning his relationship status," Maya said.

"I see you're feeling better. The attitude is back."

"Whoah, whoah. Hey," Calum interrupted. "We've been here for less than an hour. Don't start arguing now. You were saying, Ashton?"

"A while ago, I met this girl named Sky at a diner. We went on a few dates and last week we became official. That's pretty much it."

Everyone got over Ashton's news pretty fast. We all sat in the back of the bus watching a movie. Maya was staring off into space, and I saw that she was playing with a bracelet on her wrist.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked her.

She froze for a second and looked at up me. "What?"

"Where'd you get the bracelet?"

"It was a going away gift from Nick," she said.

"Can I see it?" I asked.

She seemed hesitant but gave it to me. I looked at what was engraved on it in cursive writing.

"Why these specific words?" I asked.

"They're lyrics from one of my favorite songs," she said and took it out of my hands, sliding it back on her wrist.

Maya's POV

Dad and I were getting some food from the kitchen. I sat down while he raided the cabinets and suddenly had no energy.

"Dad, I think I'm going to be sick," I warned but it was too late.

I threw up on the floor. Dad picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. I got sick again. Calum ran in and put his hand on my forehead.

"She's burning up," he said and pressed a cold cloth against my skin.

I heaved into the toilet. Someone handed me a bucket and carried me to a cab. We drove to the hospital.

Uncle Ash carried me to the front desk, and we were immediately brought to a room. I looked at myself in the camera on my phone. I was extremely pale and my eyes were dull.

"What seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked.

"She's been throwing up a lot. Her stomach hurts and she has a fever," Dad said.

They ran a few tests before coming back with the results.

"She has the flu. Make sure she gets plenty of rest and drinks lots of fluids," the doctor said, and let us go.


I collapsed in my bunk once we got back to the bus. Dad gave me another cold rag and kissed my forehead.

"Get some sleep, Maya. I love you," he said and went to his bunk.

They were all up for a few more hours, but I was out like a light.

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