27- Funeral

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Maya's POV

It'd been three days since Nick died. Three days since I last talked to anyone.

After my conversation with Luke, I locked myself in my room and hadn't left since. I didn't celebrate my sixteenth birthday. I didn't celebrate with the guys for Calum's. Having fun and being happy were the last things on my mind.

I looked at pictures of me and Nick together and found myself wishing that I could relive all the memories we made just one more time.

I didn't sleep. It's not that I didn't try. I just couldn't. Sleep seemed to evade me no matter how much I wanted to succumb to my exhaustion. I hadn't eaten in three days either. Someone brought a plate of food, but I ignored it.

"Maya, please open the door," Dad said. I didn't say anything. "Come on, Maya. It's been three days. Today's the funeral."

I pulled my knees up to my chest and bit my lip to keep from crying. Knowing that this was the last time I would see Nick wasn't helping.

"He would want you to be there," Dad said.

I knew he was right. Why did he have to be right?

I slowly got up and opened my door. All the guys were there. Their eyes brightened when they saw me.

"Hey. Come downstairs when you're ready. You're going to eat something, okay?" Dad asked softly.

"Okay," I whispered.

"I love you, Maya," Dad said and kissed my forehead.

I shut the door and went to take a shower. I put on a black dress that I had in the back of my closet with a pair of flats. I straightened my hair and pulled my bangs back.

I looked at myself in the mirror when I was done. The sleeves of the dress reached my elbows and the dress itself ended at my knees. There were dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep.

I sighed and went downstairs. Dad handed me my plate and I sat at the table. I picked at my food and chugged down my chocolate milk. The food felt strange in my stomach, and I tried to stop myself from gagging.

When I was done eating, we left. I was only going for Nick and partially for myself. Nick would want me to be there, and I needed closure.


The room at the funeral home was full of rich snobs. No wonder Nick hated them. He didn't fit in with his own family. He just wanted to be normal.

His mom glared at me, but I walked right past her to Nick's casket. I placed my hand on his face and rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"Oh, Nicky. I'm so sorry this happened. I miss you so much-"

A single tear rolled down my face and I quickly wiped it away, trying to hold in my sobs.

"I love you, Nicky. You saved me. I could never thank you enough. I'll see you one day," I said.

I kissed my palm and placed it on his cheek, and placed the picture of us in Paris in his casket. I took my spot in the back of the room with the guys.

Thomas's POV

This had to be the worst day of my life. I was at my best friend's funeral. I never thought this would happen. I never wanted this to happen.

I wanted the five of us -Maya, Leila, Jessica, Nick, and I- to be friends until we graduated. I wanted Nick to be my best man when I got married. I wanted him and Maya to be happy together. I just wanted my best friend to live a long life full of happiness. But fate had a funny way of not giving us what we want. I should've known that by now.

I fiddled with my tie as I headed up to the podium. I adjusted the microphone and looked down at the piece of paper in front of me.

"Hello, everyone. Today, we are here because-" I stopped, realizing how stupid I sound. "I guess you know why. I've known Nick since we were four. He wasn't just my best friend. He was like a brother to me. He was a great guy and he could've gone so far in life if he had the chance."

Maya looked down in guilt.

"Nick tried to help people as much as he could and did everything to make them happy. He made people smile when they were upset and made them laugh when they were breaking down inside. He never took anything he had for granted. He appreciated everything he got and everyone who cared about him. Nick was just an awesome guy to be around. I will forever remember him as a hero and my best mate. Thank you," I said and went back to my seat.

Maya was called up after. She seemed confused. Her eyes searched the crowd and landed on me. I indicated for her to walk up, and she nodded.

Maya's POV

"Hi, everyone. I didn't know I was supposed to talk today, but I guess I am," I said. "I remember the first day I saw Nick. It was after I was trampled at the mall by a herd of screaming girls. He could've walked by and left me on the floor. Instead, he helped me up and stayed with me until my dad showed up. He was kind in that way. He was willing to help a total stranger out of the goodness of his heart.

People tended to try and put him down. They made him feel like he wasn't good enough like he wasn't perfect. Truth is, there's no such thing as a perfect person. But he was perfect to me.

I may not have known Nick since he was four like Thomas or since the day he was born like his family. I knew him for a little over a year, but that was long enough for me to fall in love with him. Yes, we may have only been fifteen, but it doesn't matter. Just because you're young doesn't mean you don't know what love is. 

I loved everything about Nick. Not just the main reasons like his looks or his personality, but the little things not many people noticed. How he scrunched his nose when he was trying not to laugh, how he would talk in his sleep, and how he would take the pieces of cookie dough out of his ice cream and eat them last. There are so many things I could say, but then we would be here forever," I said and let out a light laugh.

"Nick died to save me. He didn't have to help rescue me, but he did. For that, I am forever grateful. Thank you," I finished and went back to my seat next to Luke.


We continued the day at the cemetery. I didn't bother holding back my tears. I let them fall without making a sound. The whole time I excepted Nick to appear next to me and wipe them away, but I knew he wouldn't. He was gone forever and there was nothing I could do about it.

Nick's parents were the first ones to leave. They dragged Josh and Lindsay with them. I stayed until everyone else had left. I sat down in front of Nick's stone and read the words carved into it.

Nicholas G. Knight
14/3/00- 22/1/15

Here lies a beloved son, brother, friend, and savior. Never let his memory die.

"You were my savior, Nicky, but I couldn't save you. I'm sorry."

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