29- Fights

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Maya's POV

It'd been ten days since Nick died. A week since the funeral. Jessica had moved a week early since her dad already packed everything.

I guess I was okay. I wasn't as sad as I was before, but I had some other issues to deal with. I'd been moody around the guys.

The day after the funeral, Luke talked to me more about Alyssa and showed me some pictures. We were in his room all day talking. After that, I was just so out of it. They kept getting on my nerves. Even the little things they did got me frustrated. I snapped at Luke over something so trivial I can't even remember. 

I was yelling at Uncle Ash now. He went into the pool and entered the house while he was still soaking wet.

"Why can't you just wait outside until you dry off? Now there's water all over the floor!" I yelled.

"So what, Maya? We can just wipe it up," he said and ruffled his hair.

Water sprayed all over my face. I sighed in frustration and wiped it off.

"Knowing you, you would forget about it and leave it until someone fell," I grumbled.

"What's your problem, Maya? Why are you acting like this?" 

"You just don't get it," I said and stomped upstairs to my room.

Ashton's POV

I vigorously wiped the floor with the mop. Maya was starting to piss me off. I was so sick of her damn mood swings. Everyone was. Luke hadn't talked to her in a few days. Michael wouldn't do anything about it, but I knew he was getting frustrated.

Calum just said, "She's a teenage girl. Her boyfriend just died. She's going to get like this. Just give her some space until she calms down."

I hadn't seen her be calm in the past week.

Michael walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips from the cabinet.

"Hey, Ashton," he said. I glared and put the mop outside. "What's your problem?" 

"You need to talk with your daughter," I said.

"About what?"

I gave him a look.

"She's been acting moody all week. It's annoying. She keeps yelling at us and you don't do shit about it. I'm not going to put up with this," I said.

"Then why don't you just leave?" 

"Maybe I will. After all, in a few months, I'm going to be stuck with you in LA. Might as well have a break," I snapped and ran upstairs.

I grabbed some clothes, my phone charger, and other things I might need in a bag. I ran down the stairs and made it to the door before Calum stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"Home," I said and left.

Michael's POV

I went upstairs to talk to Ashton after he ran off, but he wasn't there. Calum left his room just as I was about to enter mine.

"Hey, have you seen Ashton?" I asked him.

"Yeah. He just left. He said he was going home," Calum said and went downstairs.

I sighed heavily and leaned against the wall, staring up at the ceiling.

Ashton wasn't going home. He was going to an apartment he owned a couple of miles away. He was going to get drunk. I'd deal with him when he was sober.

Maya's POV

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