18- Hate and Concerts

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Maya's POV

"I don't want to wake her up. I feel bad."

"What makes you think I want to? Just wake her up."

"You don't need to. Thanks to your arguing, I'm awake," I groaned.

I pulled back the curtain and saw my uncles standing in front of me looking guilty as hell. Uncle Ash smiled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry. Let's go have some breakfast," he said.

Luke and Dad were already in the front part of the bus. Dad gave me some cold medicine and a water bottle.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"We have to go to the venue to get ready for tonight's show. You're coming with us," Dad said.

"Why? Can't I stay here until you guys are done rehearsing?"

"Fine. We'll get you after. You woke up late, so we have to leave now. Call me if you need anything."

I said bye to the guys, and they left. I called Nick since he'd probably still be awake in Australia.

"Hi, Nicky."

"Hey. What's up?" Nick asked.

"Nothing. I have to go to the guy's concert later. You?" I asked.

"Missing you like crazy. I can't sleep," he admitted.

"I miss you too. Just...sing for me. Please."

He started to sing Little Things. I smiled remembering our first date.

"Maybe that can be our song," I said.

"I'd like that. I'm going to try and get some sleep. I'll call you later. Bye, Maya."


I sighed and stared up at the ceiling of the bus with my eyes closed. When my boredom grew, I worked on some of my lessons for school.

Uncle Cal had left his phone here. I knew I shouldn't, but I looked through it. I posted random pictures on his Instagram and followed some fans.

He was getting Twitter notifications, so I went on that. All I saw was hate. Hate about me, about all the guys.

There were some awful things, but I refused to let it get to me. I tweeted from his phone.

@Calum5sos: Stop sending me and the guys hate. Just leave them alone. They didn't do anything wrong -Maya Clifford

Michael POV

We finished practicing for the show after a few hours. I checked my phone to see my notifications. There was a tweet from Calum. I read it and saw it was from Maya.

"Calum, why did you leave your phone on the bus? Maya saw the hate!" I yelled at him.

"I thought I had it in my pocket," he said and felt his pockets. I ran out of the venue to the bus.

"Maya! Where are you?" I yelled.

"I'm in my bunk," I heard her yell. I ran to her bunk and pulled her out.

"Are you okay?" I asked and grabbed her arms.

"I'm fine. Why?" She asked.

"I saw what you tweeted. I know you saw the hate," I said. She sighed and wrapped her arms around me.

"Dad, I don't care about hate. I won't let it get to me. They're just jealous. At the end of the day, I'm the one who lives with you, I'm the one who gets cuddles and guitar lessons. I'm the one who gets to know what color your hair is first. I'm your daughter," she said.

"I love you so much, Maya. I'm sorry," I said.

"It's okay. Don't worry," she said.

Maya POV

I was in the dressing room with the guys before the show. They were so annoying. Dad was constantly looking over my shoulder as I did my schoolwork. Uncle Ash was banging his sticks on everything. Luke and Uncle Cal were just being stupid and kept screaming.

"Could you all just shut up?" I yelled, and four pairs of eyes stared at me. "You guys are so annoying! Just be quiet for one minute."

"Mood swings much," Uncle Cal mumbled.

"Shut up," I said. I put in my headphones and turned the volume up. Someone took them out.

"We're going on stage now," Dad said and walked out.

I lay down and watched the guys on the TV in the room. A fan who had terminal cancer asked them to play Wherever You Are, so they did.

I thought of Nick.

For a while, we pretended that we never had to end it

But we knew we'd have to say goodbye

I tried to forget about the tour during those four months I was with him. I didn't want to think about it. We both knew that I would have to leave eventually.

You were crying at the airport when they finally closed the plane door

I could barely hold it all inside

I cried for hours. I saw tears in Nick's eyes as I was carried away.

Torn in two

And I know I shouldn't tell you

But I just can't stop thinking of you

Wherever you are

He's always on my mind now. Ever since we left Australia, I can't stop thinking about him.

I wish I didn't have to be gone

Maybe you've already moved on

But the truth is I don't want to know

We promised each other that we wouldn't leave for someone else. We promised that we would make this work. But promises are meant to be broken.


The guys all came running in when the concert was over. They tried to hug me, but I pushed them away.

"You're all sweaty. Go take a shower," I said.

Luke threw his shirt at me and I ducked. I ran back to the bus and waited for them to come back.

Tonight was the first show of many. I was counting down the days until we went home.

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