Chapter 3

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~•~ Chapter 3 ~•~

Don't forget where you belong..home..

Claire's POV

The iron doors opened, showing me a large place, full of people, making my eyes widen in surprise. Lights were on the ceiling and multiple tables were in the room, people sitting down and peacefully eating. A fee children were running around, playing and laughing as well. Louis even joined and started chasing them, causing them to squeal and run faster. The sight in front of me brought a smile to my lips.

It was the first time I had seen so many people after months of hiding and trying to survive. The smell of chicken and fries hit my nostrils, making my stomach grumble. I saw Niall and Liam sit at a table by the corner, joining a few more guys. Zayn and Louis were talking to the children, making them laugh with a few jokes probably. Heat touched my cold skin, making my muscles relax. This place is totally heaven.

"Wow, I never thought this could ever happen.." I admitted, muttering.

Harry let a light chuckle and turned to look at me. "Welcome home, Carla." he said.

"My name's Claire." I corrected.

"Same thing." he shrugged and walked further into the room, me following from behind. How on Earth can Carla and Claire be the same thing?

"How did you save all these people? I thought it was impossible to find more then two people alive." I said, my eyes searching around the place in awe.

"We go on raids, we sometimes find people and we take them with us, just like I did with you." he said, glancing at me from his shoulder. "At first, we were around 10 people, hidden at a supermarket, since there were a lot of zombies outside. Then the army came in and brought us here. Now I'm in charge, along with the rest of the boys that were in the car. We got weapons, we got bombs, we can keep everyone safe. We're trying to save our last hint of humanity. The infected are increasing in number and we get stronger by day." he said, leading me through the multiple tables, probably heading to the one Niall and Liam went.

"This is great." I commented, my eyes now flitting between the different dishes on the tables, my stomach grumbling again.

"We also have rules, which is to respect each other, have the same amount of food for each, and keep peace." he explained, moving his hand in the air. I noticed a few people giving a greeting nod to him, Harry returning them curtly. They all seem so respectful, so thankful, just like I am. Harry saved, after all.

"That's easy." I said casually,

He came to a halt and turned to look at me, brows pulled low over his emerald green eyes. "Easier said than done." he pointed out, before walking further by my side.

"We're now over 150. Half of them are probably sleeping, considering they're mostly children and young teenagers." he said casually, making my eyes widen.

"Over 150? In here? That's a miracle." I chuckled lightly, his lips curling into the tiniest smile ever.

"We've worked hard to make sure everyone has everything needed. It's been tough, but we made a good work." he said proudly, his green eyes moving around the room.

"Indeed." I nodded in agreement.

"Oh my God. Claire, is that you?!"

I swung around, Harry copying me at the sudden familiar voice that called for me. My wide eyes landed on the person who said my name, quickly taking in the blue eyes and blonde hair. Happiness, excitement and heat flooded through me as my hands came up to my mouth, my eyes widening even more.

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