Chapter 19

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~•~ Chapter 19 ~•~

The Jeep entered the doors to the parking lot of our hideout. From what I saw the fire has died and there is no more bombs turned on. The anticipation I was feeling moments ago was now long gone. A deep sigh came past my lips when Zayn parked the car next to the others. We all quickly jumped out and were greeted by four soldiers who took our weapons. Harry turned to look at me for a second, making my breath hitch. He then turned to look at Niall, who had his entire shirt covered in blood.

"You two go immidiately to the recover room. I'll send Liam to find you." Harry instructed, pointing at me and Niall.

Niall took a step forward, "Harry I'm fine-,"

Harry raised his hand and gave him a warning look. "I said go. Now." He said firmly before heading to the elevator, Zayn, Chris, Louis and Kate following him closely.

Niall sighed and turned to look at me. "Let's go," he ticked his head towards the elevator next to the one the guys just walked in, and I followed him.

"Are you hurting?" I asked when he pushed the button to take us upstairs.

"No," he scrunched his lips. The elevator doors closed. "I'm just a little woozy, that's all." he shrugged.

"It's bleeding for minutes." I noted, eyeing his wound. It looked pretty deep. Maybe when we crashed a glass cut him.

"I know." He said flatly. "What about you?" he looked down to my side, blue eyes bored.

"M'good." I said casually. "Doesn't hurt that much now."

"You've been brave out there, when that stupid zombie was on top of the car." He surprised me by saying. "You didn't back up. You dared to climb onto the window and shoot. I didn't expect you to do that." He gave a gentle shake of his head.

"I couldn't just sit there and watch. He was about to break the glass." I stated, leaning against the wall with my hands behind me. "I had to do something."

"And you handled the guns perfectly." He gave me a smirk. "Well done."

My heart fluttered with pride and happiness. "Thanks." I mumbled, heat rising to my cheeks.

The elevator doors opened and we entered the second roof, where the recovery room was at. I saw a few old people laying down in beds, with doctors by their sides, taking care of them. They were around 70 or 80, all of them with pale skins and health problems. I was awed by the scene. I would never think that people their age would ever manage to survive after the zombies' attacks.

"How many are they?" I asked Niall as we walked down the halway. Bright lights hung from the ceiling, with windows on both sides of the walls to show the rooms of the patients.

"Around 20, tops." Niall answered easily. "Most of them can't live without their basic medication, and it's rare to find all of them. We try our best at every raid, but most of the time we come up with none." He explained, moving his hand. "The factory gives us as many as it can. Many of the medicines need time to get ready, and these poor men don't have the strength to hold onto life." A hint of sadness appeared in his voice.

My heart lightly tugged at that. It's sad; seeing old men trying to fight with their age and live another day but failing miserably because of the lack of medicines shows how awful our situation is.

"What do you do when someone..dies?" I asked hesitentaly. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer, but I had asked anyway, so I was going to hear it.

Niall made a face. "Harry takea these kind of situations very seriously. Depends on what the person who dies, I guess. Before they let their last breath, Harry visits them and he asks them if they want a proper funeral, or a secretive one." He shrugged. "It's very important to him. He tries to make everyone's lives as normal as it can be."

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