Chapter 14

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~•~ Chapter 14 ~•~

(Claire on the side/top is absolutely stunning!! She is flawless! *cries*)

Claire's POV

I dumped the towel I used to dry my hair on the bed in frustration before sitting down on the mattress. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes as I tried to get all the horrible scenes out of my mind. In the shower, I could see their dead eyes everywhere and feel their hands all over me. Their screams would pierce through my ears. I felt filthy and that feeling wasn't the least pleasant.

All this to join an army group. They indeed make us stronger, but what about the mental health? I'm about to fucking lose my mind and I've been out of that hell-hole for two hours. I spent at least an hour in the shower, trying to clean my already clean skin because I felt like there was still blood on me.

Knocks on the door made me jump, my heart skipping beats. I was already dressed, so I stood up and opened the door. I was surprised to see Harry standing there, green eyes concentrated and serious when they looked at me.

"Hey." he said lowly.

"Hey." I said quietly, stepping aside. "Come in."

He walked into the room, his scent hitting my senses and making butterflies errupt in my stomach. I closed the door and pressed my back against it as he took a seat on the bed. He looked up at me and for a moment he hesitated before he spoke.

"You okay?" He asked.

My heart skipped a beat. "M'fine." I said easily.

"Be honest."

I bit my lower lip, remembering how terrible it was when the zombie wanted to drag me down into that pool of blood. I shivered and shrugged. "I'm trying to forget what I saw in there." I admitted.

He nodded, entwining his hands as he leaned in and rested his elbows on his knees. "I know it's difficult for you to..get used to it. So, I came here to tell you that," he looked down. "You can stop working on the project." he looked up at me again.

I was shocked. Harry said I can stay out of the army group if I want. I thought he doesn't take back what he says. "A little late for that." I said. "I want to join you."

He frowned slightly. "You do?" he asked, a little surprised.

"Yes. After what happened today..I feel like I have to join the army group. All I've been through today shouldn't go for nothing."

"You have a point." he agreed, voice raspy, sexy. "So, you're still in."


"Great." he clapped his hands once. "Just so you know, if you feel like you can't come with us, just say it, alright? I don't want to have responsibility if anything happens to you." he stood up. His words hurt a bit. "I don't want cowards and incapable soldiers." he said, walking towards me.

"I understand." I mumbled. He came and stood in front of me, leaning closer. I sucked in a deep breath and held my head high. I wasn't that scared of him, but his green eyes were still intimidating.

"What you saw in there, is nothing compared to what you'll see out there." he said, green eyes growing darker.

I let a light chuckle. "I've been out there for a long time. I know how it is." I stated, voice coming out strong.

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