Chapter 27

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~•~ Chapter 27 ~•~

Sorry for the wait, but I made it long enough :) enjoy x

~•~ ~•~ ~•~

Claire's POV

The drive back to the hideout was the worst part of my life so far. Everyone was silent. The only sound that was heard was the engine of the Jeep roaring. They made me sit at the passenger's seat, with Kate and Zayn at the back, and Louis, Harry and Liam at the very back. They knew that if Harry was sitting next to me or behind me, he would harm me.

My presence angered him. I didn't have the courage to speak. I wanted to apologise, but I knew that he wouldn't let me. Every now and then, I could feel his eyes burning the back of my head, bringing me headache. I was staring down at my hands the entire time, seeing blood on my skin even though there wasn't any. My brain was playing tricks on me.

Kate had her hand placed on my shoulder, squeezing gently a few times for support, but I never really felt better. I felt so bad for what I did, even though a big part of me knows that I did the right thing. If I hadn't shot, Harry would have been one of them now. I couldn't just let our leader die this way.

A part of me knows that if Harry had died right in front of my eyes, I would've never forgiven myself.

It's just something about him that pulls me in, like a magnet. It's like, from the very first moment he saw me, he took a large part of me, that I don't even want it back. It's like he controls my emotions and that angers me, but it also makes me feel different. Good different.

Chris let a small sigh that was followed by one of Liam's and Zayn's. I looked up at the street, the hideout came to view, and my stomach twisted uncomfortably. I pursed my lips tightly, fighting with the urge to let my sadness transform into tears. Guilt was stuck like a bullet in my heart. I wanted to just to disappear. It's not your fault. You did the right thing. But still, I felt like I've done the worst crime in the world.

The Jeep drove through the large gates and entered the parking lot, gaining curious and stressed looks from all the other soldiers. I lowered my head yet again. I couldn't stand their gazes. I felt as if they were judging me, despite knowing that they are unaware of what happened. Kate's hand squeezed my shoulder once again, making me stiffen. Chris pressed on the breaks, slowly bringing the car to a halt. Zayn was the first to jump out and more doors opened, making my stomach twist. I took a deep breath and jumped out, a sudden urge to stay strong rushing to me. Cool breeze hit my skin, calming down my boiling blood. I turned around to see everyone out, Kate, Liam and Zayn staring at me with concern on their faces. However, the only person that I wanted to look at me despised my existence.

He jumped out lastly, hair messy, back sweaty, tensed. Hands clenched into fists and eyes drowned in anger. At first I hesitated, the weight of my backbag suddenly getting heavier. I wanted to talk to him, to apologise, even. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at everyone, except from me.

“You go get rest, eat and bathe. We're going with the same schedule from tomorrow.” he demanded gruffly.

“Alright.” Louis nodded, voice light.

Everyone started walking away, but I didn't want to. “Harry.” I suddenly called, taking a few steps towards him.

He suddenly swung around and gave me a deathly glare. “Don't.” he threatened, voice icy cold.

My heart clenched yet again and Liam and Kate appeared by my sides, placing their hands on my shoulder. “Come Claire,” Kate urged softly.

Harry walked away and I felt so small. I sighed in defeat and followed Kate and Liam to the elevators. “Don't take it to heart, he's just over-reacting.” Liam said lowly. “He will understand the good thing you did.”

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