Chapter 77

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~•~ Chapter 77 ~•~

Claire's POV

"Oh my God...Guys!" I gasped in shock as I lowered my gun, strong relief and fear mixed together hitting me hard.

"Help them!" Louis urged as he reached to pick up Niall.

We all ran to the door, swiftly picking up both of them. "Oh my God, Harry..." I whispered, wrapping my arm around his. My heart raced with worry for him. His clothes were ripped, dirty and blood stained, and a long cut scratch on his shoulder was bleeding. I was shaking due to the shock and I just couldn't believe he was actually here, alive.

Thank God. Thank God he is alive.

Niall coughed and groaned in pain as Liam and Louis placed him gently on the couch. "Easy, mate," Liam muttered.

Niall weakly opened his blue eyes and looked at Liam. "My arm..." he coughed.

"It'll be fine, man, I'll take care of it." Liam assured, glancing at Niall's bleeding wound.

"Damn bro, you look shit." Louis huffed, winking at Niall.

Niall's lips twitched weakly upwards and I knew if he wasn't in so much pain, he would actually grin. I was glad Louis could cheer him up, even in the slighest, it still meant a lot.

"Okay, slowly now," I muttered as Thomas and I placed Harry gently on the couch. His hair covered his face as he held his head lowered. He was barely breathing and he had multiple cuts and wounds all over his body. My heart broke at the sight of him being like that.

"Babe," I whispered, my voice thick. I ignored the small jolts of pain through me as I kneeled down beside him. I touched his hand, feeling the cuts on his skin. "Harry," I said softly. My eyes landed on his destroyed shirt and I sucked in a breath at the blood pouring out of his wounds.

"Louis, the bags," Liam ordered from behind me.

"I'll wake up Zayn now," Thomas said, making me nod.

Just as Thomas walked towards Zayn, I moved closer to Harry, still fighting with my tears. I was beyond than happy and relieved he was alive. Half of his hair was messy, covered in blood, sticking on his face. I reached and pushed his hair away from his face, causing a small scream to escape my lips at what I saw.

"What?!" The boys swung around to look at me, shocked and confused.

"Oh God.." I cried, bringing my hand to my mouth.

Harry's half face was burned, starting from his ear all the way to his jaw and cheek, with blood pouring out his bruised and destroyed skin. My heart shook with pain for my boy. He groaned and hissed, slightly grimacing.

I seriously couldn't stop the tears. I felt terrible for being the cause behind this. I hesitated to touch him, my shaking hands fondling his messy, destroyed hair. "Baby," I sobbed, my heart clenching painfully.

"Jesus Christ! Harold!" Louis gasped in shock, his jaw touching the ground.

"This is horrible." Thomas grimaced, eyes showing sadness.

"Get me the bags, he needs instant help, Claire please move away," Liam said as calmly as he could, gently touching my shoulders.

I was frozen to the spot, but my heart burned with pain for Harry. He is barely breathing, with a half burned face and destroyed skin and hair, wounded and bleeding. He is like this because of me.

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