Chapter 39

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~•~ Chapter 39 ~•~

“Take these,” Liam handed me four large guns, one on top of the other, his voice tight. I held the guns in my arms and jogged all the way back to the white Jeep, where Zayn and Kate were also doing the same job as I did.

I threw the guns at the space behind the back seats, knowing we'll be able to grab them instantly if anything happens. Kate leaned over the seat and grabbed my forearm, stopping me from jumping out. My eyes flicked to her blue eyes to find her smiling excitedly, confusing me.

“Oh shit, that is not a good sign.” I murmured, leaning closer to her.

She rolled her eyes. “Shut up and listen.” she spat, her cheeks flushing red slightly. “Chris and I had a long conversation last night.” she said, gaining my curiosity. “And we decided that we don't want to keep it a secret, and that we are going to take this further.”

My eyes widened and a squeal came from my lips. “Oh my God! Well done, Kate!” I said, reaching for her arm to give a gentle squeeze.

She beamed, “I told him that if he wants me, we will have to make it official. Not just hooking up and wasting time for fun.” she said, moving her free hand.

“You did the right thing.” I said, nodding once.

“I know. I like him a lot, but I'm not going to let him treat me like trash.” She stated, shaking her head to push her free blonde hair away from her shoulders.

“Yo, girls,” I suddenly felt someone tap my hip, making me gasp and turn my head to see Zayn staring at us. My cheeks blushed when I realised I was practically bending over in front of him. I moved back and stood straight up, “We got stuff to do, so enough with the gossips, okay? We got the whole ride for that.” he said seriously, his eyes amused though.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his shoulder with my hand, making me chuckle. “We were not gossiping.” I said, him raising a brow.

“Oh really? Were you talking about the raid, the rescue plan or the guns?” he said, moving his hand in the air.

“Uh, no.” I said, Kate appearing beside me.

“Totally gossiping.” Zayn huffed and walked away. I made a face and Kate chuckled.

“Sharing secrets isn't gossiping!” I claimed, loud enough for Zayn to hear. He moved his hand dismissively in the air, meaning he didn't care.

Kate chuckled and looked at me, “He's just messing with you.” she said.

“I know,” I shrugged. My eyes moved to Liam who was talking to a soldier, his face dead serious, making nervoussness rise into the pit of my stomach.

I then looked at Thomas and Louis, who were checking up some guns on the other corner. Then, my eyes caught Harry, who was walking through the room, wearing a beanie, carrying a backbag over his shoulder, his head lowered, face drowned in deep thought. Suddenly, all the worry and anxiety I tried to ignore came crashing back to me.

“Kate,” I said, turning to look at her. She raised her brows, “Do you think we'll make it?”

She frowned at my answer, her blue eyes covered in worry. “We can.” She nodded. She patted my shoulder, “Don't worry, we'll be okay.” she gave me a small encouranging smile.

I crooked a smile back, although it must have been obvious that it was a forced one. “Okay.” I murmured.

We went back to our job and helped the others fill the car with enough weaponary and medicines in case someone got hurt. When we were all done, we turned on our bracelets and jumped in the car. Zayn jumped in the driver's seat with Harry sitting at the passenger seat, while Louis was sitting next to me. My stomach churned when Harry turned to glance at me and Louis, his green eyes worried and uncertain.

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