Chapter 15

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~•~ Chapter 15 ~•~

It was very difficult to sleep that night. I felt like the walls were closing up on me, that the mattress is sinking me down to a pool of blood and that eyes were watching me from everywhere. I could hear sounds from inside the wall. It was like I was being watched by someone, and I hated it.

I spent the whole night tossing around. I was scanning each corner of the room, fearing that something might come out and attack me. For a moment I even caught my lower lip trembling. It was exhausting, but I couldn't do anything else.

For a moment I thought of running to Thomas's room and asking him to stay with him, but then I face palmed myself for thinking such a stupid idea. God knows what people would think, if Thomas would agree, and what would be Harry's reaction. I didn't want to break any rule, despite not knowing a rule that doesn't let us sleep in another room, but still. It would definitely cause reactions, and Harry wouldn't be pleased.

I wrapped the blanket tightly around my body, staring at the corner of the room where the door to the bathroom is. I was waiting for someone to step inside, but he never came. I knew I was only thinking such things because of the fear, but it was really difficult for me to control it. I prayed to God and tried to fall back to sleep, but I failed once again.

I almost screamed when someone knocked my door and I was about to hit the ceiling from jumping out of shock. I averted my eyes to the clock and I frowned when I saw that it was 7:10am. I didn't even realise how fast time passed by.

“Who is it?” I called, tightening my grip on the blanket. I shouldn't be scared, so why is my heart shaking with anxiety?

“Liam.” He said, his calming voice sending a wave of relief through me.

I sighed and stood up, dumping my blanket on the bed before opening the door. He appeared, charming and gorgeous. He looked great, and those coffee brown eyes were promising and kind.

“Morning,” he smiled, looking ten times better than before. His brows lowered over his eyes as he studied my face. “Wait, you okay? You look..”

“I didn't sleep. At all.” I answered flatly, walking back towards my bed, leaving the door open.

“Why?” he asked, stepping inside. “Are you hurting somewhere?”

I shook my head as I sat down. “No, I just..I felt like someone was watching me, and I couldn't calm down.” I explained, moving my hands.

He didn't look surprised at my answer. “Typical reaction. This always happens with every one we put in those rooms.” he huffed.

“No. It's not just an illusion or something. I heard sounds, coming from the wall.” I said, turning to look at the wall across from me.

Liam looked confused as he stared at me for a few seconds before chuckling. “It's just the shock, you will get over it.” he dismissed it. “Now, get ready to put some gloves on and box.” he smirked.

I cocked a brow, placing both hands to either side of my body. “Louis said I don't have to go through your project?”

He nodded, brows scrunched. “Y-yeah, but it's a really good one. Besides, you have to learn how to fight without your guns.”

I sighed. “Please, show some mercy, I didn't sleep at all!” I begged.

He gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry, love, but it's my job. Don't worry though, it won't be too exhausting. It will be fun, promise.” He said, brown eyes shining.

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