Chapter 79

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~•~ Chapter 79 ~•~

Claire's POV

Times like this I wish I wasn't that determined and stubborn to follow my thoughts, because now, I was going to an actual death road, with lots of pressure on my shoulders and a shaky heart.

But despite the status and the few chances of us surviving, we all knew what we wanted. We wanted to fight and we were all ready to face the difficult circumstances and the consequences.

I picked up my gun and glanced for the last time at Harry. He was obviously scared, but he knew there was nothing else he could do anymore. Everything was on me now. All he could do was sit and wait.

"Alright guys, let's go." I said, earning a few nods before walking out of the room. "I'll be back." I said, seeing hope rise inside his green irises.

"I know." he murmured, nodding lightlty.

"Love you." I said, smiling softly.

"Love you." he tried to smile, but it must have hurt him in the process because it came out as a grimace.
I walked out of the room, feeling my stomach tighten. Liam stayed on the roof to keep an eye on Harry, while the rest of us walked towards the door. "Check if you can send any signal to the army groups. We need help to get out of here. If they don't come, we might as well jump off the roof and die." I said, causing Louis to chuckle.

"Roger." Liam nodded, his tired eyes seeming worried.

"Have me informed about anything. Louis, Thomas, keep an eye on Niall's and Zayn's backs. Protect each other at all cost." I said, feeling my heart tug.

"Be careful." Louis said, patting my shoulder twice as he walked past me.

"I will." I nodded.

Just as I stepped inside the elevator, my heart picked up its pace. I was literally walking into a death trap. But I was going to give my everything. I wasn't scared of those fuckers. I was actually very fucking sick of their existence. I hated every inch and every limb of them. I just wanted to slaughter them all. I had reached the point of madness when it came to these sickening, useless bastards.

I tightened my grip on my knife and took a deep breath as I watched the number of the floors change. You can do this. You can end this. The bravery deep within grew so strong, I could feel my body stiffen and prepare itself for the battle unreluctantly. I didn't know how many of them were out there, but they were definitely too hungry, since they stayed and took over the building for the whole night.

Once the beep was heard, my stomach tightened like a rock. The elevator doors opened, sending all the blood all the way up to my head as my heart raced with anxiety. They were around 20 and they all turned to look at me once they heard the sound of the elevator. The first one wasted no time to lunge at me, with thirsty eyes for blood and missing teeth in his rotted mouth. I ducked and dodged his filthy hands before stabbing his throat, a wet thunk hitting my ears as his cold blood covered the blade. Blood burst out once I pulled my knife out, and he struggled as he started choking in his own blood. A quick punch in the head sent him on the floor, fighting poorly for his already lost life.

The second and the third one attacked me simultaneously, making me duck twice as I dodged their grips. I did a backflip and kicked the one on my right, sending him back against the desk as I lunged at the other one. I stabbed his chest, hearing the loud crack as my blade broke his ribcage and kicked his stomach, causing the zombie to scream in pain and agony. One swift punch in the jaw and a stab in the cheek had him in the floor unconscious in seconds. A hand grabbed my arm, sending tiny jolts of panic through me.

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