Chapter 56

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~•~ Chapter 56 ~•~

I looked around both ways of the hallway, making sure it was clear before sprinting down on the left. I was aware of the cameras, but I knew where and how to hide. I've been hiding for half a year in the streets, I could hide in a building, too.

I hissed when I felt my wound on my side ache and ignored it. I moved quietly and swiftly, trying not to make too many noises so I could gain attention from any possible people walking by. I turned on the left and found Thomas sitting on a chair, seeming pissed off.

 I turned on the left and found Thomas sitting on a chair, seeming pissed off

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“Where's Louis?” I asked, raising my shoulders.

“He was talking to Jake and Casey fucking saw me standing outside and told me to go practise my poor skills.” he answered dryly, obviously pissed.

I sighed out of frustration and ran a hand through my hair. “Now how the hell do we get in there if she is with him?” I muttered, looking around.

He sighed and rubbed his temples. “I don't know. Maybe we could eavesdrop?” he suggested, uncertainly.

I pinched my lips together, weighting down the chances of getting caught like that. “It's a risk.” I murmured.

“But the only way to actually hear the conversation she will have with the officer or anyone else.” He pointed out, brown eyes staring at me in hope.

“I know,” I nodded. “Let's go.”

We moved down the hallways carefully, making sure no one is staring at us or that we look too suspicious. We passed by a few soldiers but they didn't question us. They know we are in the army group, so they didn't find it strange seeing us here.

“Where are they going to meet?” I asked, looking around the not very well known area.

“Harry's office, this way,” Thomas grabbed my forearm and dragged me to the right side. “I have an idea.” he said, making me furrow my brows.

“Oh God, what is it?” I asked.

“We'll get in his office, without being seen.” he said, sounding determined.

“And how are we going to do that?”

He stopped right by a glass door that had a green button on it. Thomas peered through the glass and opened the door, dragging me inside along with him. I looked around in confusion and my eyes widened when I realised that this was the changing rooms for the maids.

“Thomas you're a genius.” I said, giving him a quick hug.

“I know right.” he chuckled before taking out from a closet by glass two white uniforms that covers the face with a plastic surgical masks for protection. “Put it on and hurry,” he said, handing it to me.

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