Chapter 22

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~•~ Chapter 22 ~•~

I didn't see the boys nor Kate for the rest of the day. They've been all in their rooms, locked, probably sleeping and relaxing before they leave for another raid tonight. I have to admit that a large part of me is really worried and scared, because this time they will have to carry a huge amount of supplies and not just four backbags or six boxes. And it's really dangerous at nights.

I spent some time with Erika. She's not bad. She is funny, sweet, shy and honest, which is what I like. I was with her at the cafeteria for about two hours when I decided to go and talk to Kate. I knocked on her door but she didn't open, which meant she was probably sleeping.

Since I got nothing left to do, I went back to my own room and crawled in bed. As I stared up at the ceiling with the blanket up to my chest, I could hear muffled noises, and I felt eyes watching me again. I looked around, my stomach tightening. No one was in the room. Just me. I gulped and closed my eyes. Louis's practise has me really out of my mind. Liam said it's a phase and that soon it will be over.

It felt like I was sleeping for days when I finally opened my eyes. I checked the time and it was 8:19pm. It was just ten minutes before the boys and Kate leave. I rubbed my temples and got off the bed. Once I was changed, I left my room and went to find the others.

They were all gathered in front of the elevator, talking. I approached them and placed my hand on Niall's back, making him turn to look at me. Louis and Kate smirked at me.

“You guys ready?” I asked lightly.

“More than ever.” Louis answered happily.

“Speak for yourself, mate.” Niall huffed.

“We'll be fine, don't worry about us, Claire.” Kate assured, smiling.

“You better.” I said, looping my arm around Niall's.

“Sorry love, no autographs.” He joked, raising a brow confidently.

We all laughed, “Like she would want your autograph anyway.” Louis teased, sending a wink my way.

“Exactly.” I said, pulling away from Niall just to tease him.

He cackled, “Just found the only girl that doesn't admit her crush on me.”

“Um, Niall, this is the real world, get your head off your ass and come down from your fucking dream world, thanks.” Louis sassed, blue eyes wild.

We all laughed again and Chris, Zayn and Liam joined us as well. “What's going on?” Liam asked, noticing our happy mood.

“Oh nothing, just having a high level conversation with my mate Niall here, right Irish man?” Louis said, placing his hand on Niall's shoulder.

He shrugged Louis's hand off. “Don't touch me, you're not allowed to.” He scoffed.

I giggled, loving it when these two act like that.

“Oh sorry darling, did I hurt your feelings?” Louis pouted his lips.

Niall pushed Louis's shoulder with his own. “Don't you remember? When you touch something so unique it loses its identity and sparkle.”

We laughed and I swear, it was the only time I saw everyone so ready to go on a raid. “Funny, because I told Thomas a few hours ago that no one can replace Niall.” I said.

Niall looked at me, surprised. “Ah, looks like you're smarter than I thought.”

“Don't be so fond of yourself, Nialler.” Liam chuckled.

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