Blood sister and vampires?

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All around the world people want to be love, ya, all around the world their no different then us, yea, all aro-

I took off my alarm on my phone and slowly, very slowly getting up knowing in a few seconds he will come in here and jump on me not that I mind. I opened my eyes and counted the seconds intel my door bursts open.

6...5..4..3..2.. And 1

SAMM!!! WAKE UP!!! my little brother ran into my room and jumped on me making me fall back. I smiled then pushed him off. He landed on is but on the floor and stuck his tong out at me, I giggled and did the same.

jake what are you 2, I said getting up to help him, mentally probably physical no I'm 14 he said a smile playing on his lips, "HEY THAT'S MY LINE!" " we'll now it's mine" he said and sat on the bed.

Listen I know I'm AWSOME! But you can't be me I said with a serious expression and put my hand on his shoulder, I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, " yea ok keep lying to yourself" he rolled his eyes but I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

I'm not lying your the only one who's lying, you might want to see a someone who deals with emotions you might be emotionally unstable, I said and I couldn't help a smile from forming on my lips, jake made a hurt expression and put his hand I his chest and gasped loudly, how dare proclaim something like that!

By this point I couldn't keep the laughter and I started rolling in the floor laughing and he joined me. Ok ok, now go get ready for school, I'm going to take a shower then make breakfast k, he nodded and left my room.

I wrapped the towel around me when I finished taking a shower and walked to my room. I put on light blue jeans and a white tanktop and black sweater that said " cool story Babe now go make me a sandwich" I love this sweater! I let my hair out and let it flow naturally, ( it was naturally wavey/ curly) I put grey converse and a black and white snapback, I looked in the mirror and nodded satisfied with how I looked.

I walked out my room and saw jake sneaking to the bathroom, I growled, I put my hand on his shoulder and he froze, jake you went back to sleep didn't you, when he didn't answer I new I was right, I sighed and let go of him. I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time it was 6:19, hurry up you have 30 minutes or less and that counts you eating breakfast I said and walked away.

I was eating breakfast, I made French toast, but I have a secret recipe that makes it taste like heaven. It was 6:34 and jake came down the satires, his hair was messy so I can tell he rushed but he looked nice still. He had black Jordan's and nice jeans with a nice white shirt and a black SnapBack I nodded liking the way he dresses.

I swallowed my the piece I was chewing on and looked at my brother. Your toast is in the microwave you have about 10 minutes to eat then we have to go, mark is going to give us a ride and you know how he feels about food and his car I giggle and jake chuckled thinking about the last time we brought food into his car he nearly killed us!

I was waiting outside for mark he's 7 minutes late, now I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but he is never late ever! He's always early or on time so why was he late he hadn't ditch us did he? I was broken from my train of thought from a vibration from my phone.

I pulled it out and it was a text from mark.

Mark: hey Sammy I'm so sorry I totally forgot about picking you up, I'm already at the school, I'm so sorry.

Me: yea whatever mark I've been your friend since before you could walk and your never late and you never forget.

Mark: I really am sorry

Me: whatever I gotta go. I have to WALK!

With that I turned off my phone and looked at jake who came outside a few moments ago and was now reading the messages. So we're walking he said annoyed, yub so let go I said to him.

We were almost at the school and I couldn't feel my legs, I was beyond pissed of at the moment and wanted to rip someone's throat out. We walked into the school and I walked straight to my first class knowing it already started.

I walked in and all eyes were on me, thus is why I hated school. Samantha would you like to explain why you are late my teacher asked clearly annoyed, I glared at her and I swear I saw her flinch by I shrugged it off. I sighed and looked at her and gave her a smile I rarely use in school and I said in the sweated voice I could " I'm sorry ms. Delirougo but I didn't have a ride so I had to walk the whole way here so all I would like to do is sit down" she Nodded and continued with her lesson.

IT'S LUNCH THANK GOD!!! I. FUCKING. HATE. SCHOOL!! I've had little patients, and everyone is PISSING ME OFF! But I love lunch I eat with jake outside and then I have a free period but since I always finish my work in class I go into the woods near the school and come back when it ends.

I was looking for jake when I saw him sucking a girls face near the bathroom, EWW GROSS MY LITTLE BROTHER SUCKING SOMEONE'S FACE!! When they heard my voice they pulled apart and my brother seemed mad, WHAT THE HELL SAM CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I SWAER YOUR A PIAN IN THE ASS SOMETIMES! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE! I knew jake was bi polar and that was just his anger but I still hurt a lot.

Fine ill leave I said my voice cracking he looked at me and his eyes were filled with regret, he was going to say something but I put my hand up and walked away.

I've been wondering the woods for a long time now and I knew that my free period was just beginning. I felt so warn out, is Jake was here he would call me a lazy bum, thinking of this made me giggle but I then frowned thinking about what he had said to me.

Although it was true he was mad but he only speaks the truth when he's mad so he wasn't lying. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, jake was all I had left and I'm a pain in the ass to him, I felt a tear run down my face and I angrily swiped it away, I hated crying, It was a sign of weakness witch I also hate.

I sighed and continued to walk when I heard a twig snap behind me and I turned around and came face to face with a man with dark black eyes, blond hair and a very musclier body, over all he was good looking but not what I would call hot.

Hello beautiful he said while taking my hand and kissing it, I made a expressionless face and used a dull voice and said hi, he looked shocked but quickly recovered he came closer and put his hand in my waste but I kept the same face, are you done I have to go back to class I said in a bored manner.

He chuckled, you are something special, a man finds you in the woods and holds you like this and you don't care he said amused. That's what it looks like I said with the same tone, his eyes showed irritation now, fine lets see if this scares you then he said and opened his mouth to show to huge fangs!

Inside I was freaking out but I kept the same look as I did before, wow look its fangs why are you going to kill me because if you are hurry up I said the last part harshly and this time he didn't try to hide the shock. What the hells wrong with you? He said very serious. I smiled at him, just about everything so now if were done I would like to leave, I said the beginning sweatily but said the last part harshly.

He looked at me and I saw it very clear he was very annoyed. He pulled back his hand and slapped me across the face, I fell on my but and held my hand to where my cheek was. My cheek was burning, I glared at the man and he had a smirk on his lips, I was going to get up but he grabbed my hair and threw me at the tree.

I screamed in pain, I clenched my arm that I think is broken, the man let out a evil laugh then looked at me, "still bored bitch" " very" I spat at him. He grabbed my hair and hit me more by the time he was done I was blacking out.

He dropped me on the floor he looked like he was about to hit me again when I saw 8 figures stand behind him. One of the figures stepped forward but I couldn't see what she looked like I was almost on the verge of blacking out, she yelled at the man and then they all jumped and attacked him, I felt someone pick me up and Carry me away, I closed my eyes and let my self drift into the darkness.

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