A fight to remember

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Do you have any idea where they might have taken her? I asked gabe his brows went together " what are you trying to say" he said defensively.

" I'm saying you lived with her your whole life and you dated her so you should know or at least have a lead on where she would go with Maria I said not hiding the irritation.

I saw guilt cross his eyes then realization then horror. " what's wrong gabe" " I-I might know where she is" he said weekly, his face became pail and I started to worry and so did everyone else around us but I also saw hope in there eyes.

He continued " w-when I was dating her I noticed she left every night to do something and one night I followed her" he stopped and his eyes darkened and his face became paler then continued " I-I saw a little girl she was sitting in a chair tied up she looked beaten I was going to help her but angel stepped out...."

Flashback ~*~

Well well little bitch have you figured out Gabriel's mine and only mine angel said her voice cold.

He doesn't deserve you. You are a dirty ugly girl I don't know what he sees in you she spat weakly at angel. Angel gave a cold laugh and smacked her in the face.

Ok boys you can do what you like to her just dispose of her when your done angel said then walked away.

The two men walked over to her slowly and ripped her clothes off...

end on flashback ~*~

I remembered where it is and she might be there... Gabe finished

MY BABY MAY BE BEING TORTURED, KILLED, OR RAPED AND YOU NOW TELL ME! HURRY UP AND SHOW US WHERE IT IS! I yelled at gabe, I saw hurt flash through his eyes I was about to say something but he spoke first " lets go " he mumble harshly.

I put my head down and followed him quietly.


We have been in a car for about 2 hours, gabe was driving and I was in the passenger seat. Everyone else was in the back sleeping.

I felt bad for yelling at gabe and he hasn't talked to since I did and its killing me!

G-gabe I said quietly "yea"

"Are you mad at me" I have never heard my voice sound so vulnerable before. The light went red and he looked at me. " i-I'm not mad just....well I don't really know"

I-I'm sorry I said and once agin was surprised at how my voice sounded. He turned to look at me and put his hand on my chin making me look at him in the eye and sending sparks through my whole body.

Don't be I-I just don't like talking about that he said an his eyes darkened. I put my hand on the side of his face.

We where just staring at each other and I didn't notice that the distance closed intel I felt his lips on mine. I was to shocked to respond but I didn't have time too because the person behind us honked there horn.

Gabe swore under his breath and pulled away as started driving agin. Neither of us talked intel we where at the wear house and everyone one woke up.

I got out the car and walked beside gabe and he whispered " it would've been more fun if you kissed back" I blushed and looked down and I could feel his stupid cute smirk on his face.

What that was my first kiss and I was shocked leave me alone.

I bet that wasn't his first kiss Martha said.

I growled at her, well come on he did it like he didn't even think about it! Martha said to her defense witch made me growl more.

Sorry she mumbled I sighed and didn't say anything else.

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