Were going on a adventure!

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" N. O. THAT SPELLS NO" whyyyy notttt whined Finn and jack Because she is not sleeping in my room! yelled Jacob And I'm not sleeping in his room! I yelled Is it because your scared you might get a boner and she will see said jack in a baby voice to Jacob, pfft who would get a boner with her Jacob said, I'll let you know lots of boys asked me out I said to Jacob So your a slut then? He smirked like he won NO! I never said that! I've never said yes to any of them! "Because their not real" What the glob! Leave me alone if you don't you like me I said acting like a little kid an he chuckled Fine by me, he then walked away. I glared at Finn and jack and grabbed jakes hand and went the opposite direction from where Jacob went. Do you know where were going? Jake asked Nope I said popping the P in the end, he stopped in his track making me almost fall. Where the heck are we going he whispered/screamed I chuckled We're going on a adventure it's ADVENTURE TIME!! That time I actually yelled. He laughed, IM JAKE THE DOG! jake yelled AND IM FINN THE HUMAN!! I yelled. And we both laughed. Ok so we've been wandering for like one hour and we can't find any rooms IT'S AN ENDLESS FREAKIN HALLWAY! I MEAN WHO HAS THIS MUCH ROOM IN A HOUSE FOR ONLY EIGT PEOPLE! AND WE'VE MADE SO MUCH TURNS THAT WE CAN'T GO BACK! so were lost. Great. I blame you! If you didn't run away form me then we wouldn't be lost! I said to jake and he just stuck his tong at me and I did the same. Ok Sam just a little bit longer then we can yell for help ok, jake said with a puppy face. I have him a wtf look. Oh come on Sammy your the one that wanted to do this in the first place please!!! I sighed and flicked his head. Fine I mumbled. We walked for a little longer and I was going to tell him to head back when we FINALLY found a door. You open it jake said going behind me I started laughing, your... Such... A baby! I said inbetween laughs and he flipped me! So I flicked him again in the head. OW! Just open the door! I shrugged and opened the door. I could barely see but I can tell that it was very dusty. I coughed, jake find the switch. The lights flickered on and I gasped at what I saw. There was a picture of a woman it looked like the picture where pretty old I say about 50 years. She had bright purple eyes. That's not normal I almost felt better knowing someone else had unnatural eyes. She had long wavy brown hair that fell to get waist she was skinny over all she was beautiful. Once again for the second time today I felt self conscious. She had a pink long dress that fit like it was made for her. She looked prideful and invincible. Wow she must have been an amazing women. "Hey sis look at this." I walked over to where jake was and it was the same woman that I was in the other picture and she looked exactly the same. But this picture looked like it was taken about a few years ago. She was wearing skinny jeans and a Cookie Monster shirt, her hair was in a ponytail and she had smile of pure happiness. I wonder if it was the person that was taking these pictures that she was smiling at. I looked around and saw a picture that was horrible. It was the same girl and she looked horrified. There were 3 girls behind her it looked like she was protecting them. In the corner I saw 4 figures they looked like a shadow but they looked like they were running to her to try to help her. But it was the picture under that that made my breath get caught in my throat. It was the woman, her eyes where lifeless. Her shirt was covered in blood. There was also blood dripping down her face. She had cuts everywhere. And there was a huge cut across her face. Under that was a man with dark brown hair, he seemed handsome but I couldn't tell. His shirts was all ripped up, and his head was ripped off. It was just sitting their next to his lifeless body. Under that I saw a picture of the 3 girls, but one was on the floor with a knife stuck in her stomach while the other two girls were crying. I looked at the girl and she looked just like me, she had my bright blue eyes my tan skin and my black hair. I put my hand on my mouth to stop any noise that could come out. I looked at the picture under that and it was me now with jake. I looked at the right and their was a picture of Jayden and everyone else. What the hell is going on?


So vote or comment! :) I'm going to try to update one more time today since I can't TOWMARRO CUZ I HAVE MY COMMUNION! that I'm not looking forward too cuz I'm pissed off! But anyways I'll try to update anyways bye Lovelys

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