Rejecting my mate

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I DONT WANT TO!!!! I complained to Martha, you have to now her in the DANM chair! She snapped at me.

You would think you would be nicer to me after all these years I've kept you alive! And not only that I'm here for you with your mate!!! I snapped back at her

She gave a frustrated sigh and ran her hand through her hair. Ok I'm sorry now can you please just do this for me she said sweetly. DANM her! Kids this will be a lesson never help a vampire they'll find all your weaknesses!

I sighed and nodded my head and she gave a huge smile, "YAAYY! IM GOING TO BE BACK IN LIKE 3 HOURS BYE!"

She ran out of the room without another word and I just stared at the door. Why do I get the complicated life?

The door opened agin and I thought it was Martha so I glared at it but it quickly faded when I saw gabe.

I looked at the ground, these past days all I've been thinking about is everything gabe has done to me. Babe are you ok he asked concerned.

I was about to nod my head yes when I smelled another we mins sent and I wasn't Martha's or mine. I smelled the air trying to find where the source of smell was coming from.

I looked around and found it was coming from Gabriel. I wasn't going to accuse him for it with out is side if the story by I was not going to let this slide.

Gabe....why do you smell like.. I tailed off and by the look on his face he knew what I meant." I-I I'm sorry I-I couldn't control him"

I looked at him confused and e looked at the ground. "My angel, he...he wanted sex and I rather someone else then you"

What he said made my heart sink, he did it with someone else. Gabe do you even love me" my voice came put weak.


T-then why sleep with someone else when you have me, I said my voice growing a smug stronger but still weak.

I needed to control him please understand he said is voice low and soft. " you slept with angel, and Cleo. You raped me, you had sex with another girl... Gabe I-I can't take it. I d-don't want a mate that will sleep with other girls."

Gabe muscles tensed and he had pain and hurt in his eyes. " d-don't do this please, I need you Sammy" gabe didn't even try to cover up the hurt in his voice and I looked away from him not being able to look him I the eye.

"I'm sorry Sammy for being a horrible mate. Your right you deserve someone better not a man whore. I'm so sorry Sammy but I really do love you" gabes voice was soft and warming.

I wanted to tell him he was wrong that he's not a horrible mate and that I DO love him. But I couldn't my mouth wouldn't move.

I felt a huge pain and looked back at gabe only to see him leaving. He turned his head to look at me then when we made eye contact he looked at the ground.

He walked out of my room. I need to take the pain away. I ran into the bathroom and locked it. I looked around intel I found scissors.

I put them near my wrist and cut. I made 3 deep cuts then stopped I watched as the blood dripped down m wrist.

Honey stop an angelic voice said, I turned around to see my mom, my real mom, "why should I, no one wants me not even my mate! I'm worthless!"

No your not you just made it seem that you are. If you forgot you rejected him when he was trying to protect you. Hun I hate to say this but whatever pain your in he's feeling 10 times worst. If you did this who know what he'll do, what she just said hit me like a tone of bricks.

It is my fault....and gabe. Oh no gabe! What if he cuts or worst!

Forgetting about my cuts and my mother I ran out my room and into gabes room only to find nothing.

I heard a crash in the room next to gabe and ran to it. There I saw a broken vase on the floor and gabe hold a big glass shard near his heart.


Should gabe die leave comments and tell me!

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