Past and memorys

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Ok so remember the big jail break well that was my first vision of the future and there was a girl that at the time I didn't know but now I do, it was angel. She snapped gabes neck and then I looked around and saw that everyone was dead and I was alone. So to sum it up Angels going to try to kill us and there's no way around it I said.

No one said anything so I continued, we have to train everyone has to become stronger so that doesn't happen. Every one nodded and gabe said " Angels a dangerous one we have to be carful with her "

I lifted my eyebrow at him " and how do u know that" he scratched the back of his head nervously and said " we'll guess I'll have to spill, ok so you guys know that I'm half blood brother but also half angel"

WHAT!!! YOU NEVER TOLD US!!! Bella exclaimed. Gabe chuckled and continued " anyways I am, my father had an affaire with an angel and he thought he was in love but then met your mother and he figured out what true love really was. But he still had me. " gabes stopped briefly and his eyes darkened before carrying on.

" he decided that I would scare away your mother so he put me in the basement. Whenever you guys or your mother did something that upset him he would go down and beat me. But he never told me that I was a blood brother just a pathetic filthy angel"

I put my hand on his shoulder but he ignored it and continued " when he died and Sammy was taken away I followed her but lost her somewhere along the way. I met up with angels father and he took me in. Me an angel had an affaire but it was on and off nothing serious. Then when I was 14 I decided I needed to know more about everything so I went back to that house and while looking through my fathers things I found a note that explained everything and I was determined to find sammy. "

" when I was 16 I found Kara and I saved her" he stopped and looked at Kara and she nodded " she was being rapped and her parents abused her so I took her in and we've been together ever since. then when I was well now I found you and I made my move at the park, I needed you and I felt a craving for you ever since I found that note. Anyways when angel found out she was pissed and when I was with her lets just say no one wanted to get on her bad side"

When gabe finished some of us had there mouths in a perfect O and other had sympathy all over there face. Me on the other hand just smiled at him and said " my life wasn't as smooth either" " can you tell me about it " gabe said and I nodded

" I didn't know anything not even my name, I was walking through the forest alone and I felt emotionless like an empty shell. I was almost ran over by a car an the person in it sent me to a foster home. It was strict and I got beaten daily so I decided to run away I was about 5. I was almost dying when I met my mom and she gave me life and I ended up in another foster home. This one was better but everyone was afraid of me they thought I was dirty so they shunned me. I got annoyed with it so when I was 7 I ran away from that one I spent 3 years just wondering and eating scraps then someone found me and put me in another foster home where I met jake and the only adult the wasn't scared of me Linda."

" We where all very close intel one day Linda was murdered and everyone thought it was me other them jake of course. We knew who it was it was this filthy witch named Caron she hated me jake and Linda so when we where left alone the other part came out of me for the first time. I had crimson red eyes and I killed her and ran away with jake at age 13. After that day lets just say I'm not the follow the rules kind if girl so I got in trouble A LOT so we moved from place to place almost dying in the process. Then we finally settled in Florida and I was 18 so I pretty much spent 2 months there then was taken by them"

Oh that reminds me do you guys know my real n- I was cut by gabe saying " Annabel " " your name was Annabel" h-how do you know" I asked shocked. " even when we where kids I felt a pull to you and I wanted to know everything about you " gabe said shrugging it off.

Anna why did you leave us when our mom died Bella whispered I-I don't know I can't remember anything sorry I said softly. I want to know so badly but I will never know endless maybe my mom would know.

Mom do u know why I left? I said mentally

No I found you a couple years later sorry dear but I can show you If you please she said politely. YES!YES!YES!YES!!!! OMG MUM YOUR AWSOME!!! She chuckled and said mentally " I'll be there in a few " I nodded and cut the communication off.

I didn't notice gabes hand waving in front of my face. ANNA!!!ANNA!!! Bella yelled

" Huh" I said stupidly we've been trying to get your attention, we where thinking maybe you could ask your mom Jayden said.

Actually I was right now that's why I wasn't paying attention she said she'll be here in a fe- I was cut off by my mum entering the room. " OK LET'S GET TIME TRAVELING!" my mum yelled, geez she's

Like 104 and she acts like a teenager!

I nodded and got up. " umm but there's an a glitch there has to be 2 people no less no more " mum said sheepishly. I'm going gabe said. A part of me was gleaming with joy that he wanted to come with me and another part was scared.

" hold hands and you cannot let go for anything! do NOT LET GO!" " got it "

Me and gabe intertwined our hands and I couldn't help the smile forming on my lips.

" close your eyes" we did as she told us to " picture your self small and when you see a clear image open them and you should be there "

When a clear image was in my mind I opened my eyes. I took a teddy bear and a butterfly necklace and ran. I was still in reach when gabe ran after me. The running

Soon became walking. And gabe took a left where I took a right. Little me stopped and turned around, "I'm sorry but Ill only cause

you pain it's better if I leave" she stopped and looked like she was having an argument with some One in her mind and she stomped her foot.

" FINE ERASE MY MEMORY BUT I WILL FIND OUT WHEN IM OLDER!" and then she fell on the floor and the dream faded.

I left because I was a danger to them.... Am I still....

No a voice from inside of me said.

Wtf was that?

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