Betrayl and secreats

341 7 1

Doge, doge, HIT! SCORE!!!

It's been a mouth since we took in the kids and moved into a HUGE castle which held 3,564 rooms. There where 1,989 kids plus 11

Of use that is 2,000 of us.

Right now I was training with gabe and I just completed it and got it all right NEW SCORE!

HA! I beat you! I said to gabe DID NOT! He whined I giggled and he wrapped his arms around my waste. He laid his head on shoulder, " I so beat you " I whispered in his ear.

He kissed my neck and the sparks i felt made me shut up. He chuckled " see I win " his voice was low and husky.

Ewwww came a sweet little voice. I turned around to see Alex and Maria holding hands. Awe there so cute!

I chuckled and ran over to Alex and tickled him. He was on the floor laughing like a maniac " say sorry! "

Im....sorry.. He said in between laughter. I let go of him " your forgiven " I said sweatily.

We have all been training our ass's off since we came here. I've learned how to control all my powers and I can control and take them out with no effort. And so can everyone else.

Gabe trains alone but he trains physically when he's with someone else. I remember he said he had a secret and I'm starting to Believe he's not all that human.

It's our turn to train! Maria said happily, me an her have gotten very close over this past month and Alex took her out of her shell.

Good cuz I'ma has a talk with my little buddy I said Patting gabes shoulder.

Gabe groaned and I chuckled. " come on babe trust me your going to like this chat " I whispered into his ear a smile spread from ear to ear on his face and next thing I knew I was being dragged to my room. Boys.

He closed the door "ok I know what I wish you meant isn't what you actually meant so what do you want to talk about? " he asked

Remember when we first met and you told me you have secrets and when I'm Ready you'll tell and I will you mine. Well I was hoping that today would be that day. I said

His face became a little pale and his eyes darkened. I-I can't n-not yet he said slowly. "Not yet we've been together for almost 2 months! Why can't you tell me! " " because it's not time!" He yelled at me, gabe has never yelled at me before and it hurt that he would.

I saw regret flash through his eyes sorry but not now please he whispered I didn't trust my voice so I just nodded. He sighed and kissed my cheek, I'm sorry he whispered agin and before I could respond the door flew open and reveled everyone.

We're going out get ready we're leaving at 8:00 and it's 7:30 SO HURRY UP! Finn yelled and ran away with Jayden and everyone else scattered to there room.

I'm going to go change I said and ran away from him before he could respond. Does he not trust me?


I was wearing black jeans with blue Jordan's and a blue shirts that sad "I love haters". I put On my black SnapBack that said " New York" in white. My hair was straight. I was wearing studs and a black jacket.

I walked downstairs and my mouth fell to the floor. Gabes long Dark hair was a little messy but looked sexy at the same time, he was wearing a white v-neck with dark jeans he was wearing black Jordan's and studs. He looked HOT!

He looked at me and gave me a small smile and I looked at the floor. " come on guys where going to eat at fashion burger! Jayden said very happy.

We all smushed into the car and I was on gabes lap. He held me by my waste wich sent chills down my spine. But I ignored him and looked out the window.


We all ordered our food and where waiting when a girl with a very small skirt and top came over. She had lip stick and mascara but other then that she wast wearing any makeup and he didn't need to she looks like a freaking model!

Her brown hair that looks exactly like mine was in curls that ended at her back she came over and sat next to gabe and ignored everyone else.

Hey babe you left without saying anything you had me worried she said in a seductive voice to gabe. " h-hey angel " gabe said.

You haven't found her yet right so why don't we have fun tonight she said still using the same tone as she did last time.

A growl escaped my lips and everyone turned and looked at me. " I-I did, Samantha this is angel, angel this is Samantha" I though I heard sadness and proudness when he said that which made me madder.

"What so she's the lucky girl ha so she's a blood sister ey blood brother" her words stayed in the air and everyone tensed.

Y-your a blood brother I said shocked and hurt, he couldn't have told me that. I thought you where an angle Bella said Breath taken.

Oh! But that's where it gets good! He is a angel! He's a hybrid half blood brother half angel! Angel said excited.

I felt betrayed, he didn't tell me, he didn't trust me, he's suppose to be my other half yet he does this?

Oh you didn't tell them babe sorry she stood up and pecked gabe on the mouth, " bye babe " she winked at him and walked away.

I was pissed,hurt, sad! He let her kiss him! He lied to me! Everything was straight up bull!

I felt a tear trickle down my face an I slowly stood.

You let her kiss you. You lied to me. You couldn't even tell me that you where supposedly my other half. Everything was straight up bull from day one I whispered out loud.

Gabe was violently shacking his head no. No I swear I- I cut him off, I trusted you I let my walls down and even if everything was real you let her kiss you. I'm done this is the second time, I forgave you the first time but not this time. We are done, I never want to see you agin, i-I hate you. My voice was low, I looked at gabe he had regret, hurt, pain, and sadness in his eyes.

I walked out of the place and transported home. And let the tears that I was keeping all out on full burst.

This is why I can't get close to people. They hurt you. They use you. Then leave out in the dirt to die. I will never trust gabe agin..ever...


Hope you like!

This is where it all begins! So be patient with me! 😋


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