Secrets and enemys

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I wish I never met you gabe whispered I was dumfounded. I felt a sharp Intense pain in my chest, I covered my mouth so that no noise came out.

Regret, pain, and guilt cross his eyes, " Sammy I didn't mean it like that I swear..." Gave said clearly seeing the effect his words had on me.

Not wanting to see him I ran to the forest. I ran deeper and deeper intel all that was surrounding me was trees. I tripped over a log and fell to my knees.

A part of me wished that gabe would come and comfort me and another part wanted to kill him.

A hand was placed on my shoulder and the sparks I felt told me it was gabe. " babe please listen, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that but If I never sought you out you wouldn't have been in so much pain. I'm so sorry" gabe said.

I didn't respond and gabe hugged me a "I'm so so- he was cut off by being flung to a tree. I was next to him in a flash. " gabe! Are you ok! I said frantically. He groaned but.

"You don't deserve him, he's mine" a voice came from behind us. Before I could turn around I was flung at a tree. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact by instead I felt two strong arms around me.

When we finally fell to the floor I heard a loud thud but didn't feel anything because gabe protected me. I opened my eyes and looked at gabe. His head was bleeding and I automatically started to freak out.

"Omg gabe are you ok!" I was going to clean the blood of his head but I was yanked by my hair and kicked ( wry hard ) in the stomach. The air was taken right out of me. I was gasping for air when I felt another kick from behind then a punch but it was way to hard to be human.

I let out a loud scream hopping someone would hear me. But no one did... I turned around and saw angel and she punched me one more time in the face very hard.


I woke up on someone's chest. It was very wet. I opened my eyes and saw that i gabe was cupped up into a ball in gabes arms. His shirt had been all wet.

W-what are you doing here? I whispered, "I came to check on you and saw that you where crying and I thought this might help" he said softly

Listen Sam I'm sorry I lied to you I didn't know how to tell you but I was, I just didn't know how too. And you only know half of the story and I'm scared if I tell you the second half that you won't want me no more, gabe said I head pain and sorrow.

Gabe I wanted you for you. I didn't care if you where blood brother or angel I still would have wanted you. I craved for you I needed you. And you needed me. But the thing is that you didn't tell me you lied to me and that's what kills me. I said truthfully

I saw guilt and regret cross his eyes. But you haven't even heard the second part. He whispered. Then tell me I said determined. " I'll tell you every thing but promise me you won't leave me " he said sincerely. " promise"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his messy hair. " my dad had an affaire with an angel. She had log blond hair and she was beautiful. He had me with her and when he met your mother he wanted her. But she had three children and he was mad but he also made me too and he hated me. Anyways going back to the point I'm half angel because of my mom and half blood brother because of my dad. But there's where it gets complicated Angels can't have a serious relationship they always get bored after 2 years, it's in there DNA so my angel blood won't let me have you but my blood brother part wants you so bad but I'm still not sure witch side of me is stronger. He looked at me too see If I was keeping up then Continued so there's a chance I may love you for only 2 years then.... He trailed off but I got what he meant.

" it doesn't matter we can just make your blood brother part stronger, and that was a chance I was willing to take but you still hid it from me, I mean I have blood sister blood and the goddess of deaths blood in me she's not suppose to have a mate but I took the chance and the more I was with you the more I wanted you" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

" then where both fucked up I didn't know you had the goddess of deaths blood or that she couldn't have a mate so where even" he said

" no because you knew we where blood sisters and you didn't tell me you where my other half, it's almost like you rejected me " I whispered the last part.

Hurt and pain where in his eyes and his eyes darken. " I would never ever reject you " he said seriously. "Why not its just me why not go to angel" I said coldly. I saw him clench his jaw.

Just you! Do you not know how amazing you are! And fuck Angel she's a slut and a angel so we could never be anything! God dammit! Gabe said to me has still clenched.

I gave a cold laugh " please my eyes aren't normal, my hair isn't half as gorgeous as hers and not to mention her bod. "

He looked at me straight in the eye and said " your eyes are beautiful, your hair is amazing, and your body FREKING SEXY! "

" this isn't my real eye color there just contacts " I said smartly. " I know and theses are just contacts " he said with a smirk playing on his lips.

I'm serious I said he touched his eyes and took off what looked like contacts. His gorgeous light brown eyes where now purple a light purple witch made his strong jaw stand out.

I sat there looking into his amazing light purple eyes. He put his hand on my chin sending sparks. Show me your real eyes he said softly I nodded slowly still looking at him amazing eyes.

I slowly took my contacts off and my unnatural blue eyes showed. He looked at me with awe and I did the same with his eyes.

I didn't even notice how close we where our noses were touching. B-but why did you k-keep it from me I whispered. I was afraid of your reaction I mean there's a 50/50 chance we may stay like this forever and there's another chance one of us may break the others heart and I couldn't bare to see you hurt gabe said softly.

But it still hurts knowing that you kept that from me I said. That's why sometimes I wish we never met gabe said backing away.

I covered my mouth with my hand so no noise would come out.

This is just like the dream or was it a vision! Omg that whore! She tried to hurt us! And more importantly gabe!

All the sadness was completely taken over by anger. Gabe follow me I said through clenched teeth. I passed by everyone and told them to follow me intel we where deep in the woods where I was in my dream.

YOU WHORE COME OUT! I yelled out, everyone looked at me like I was crazy but then angel showed up in front of us. Well, well look who showed up she said with a smirk on her lips.

When me and gabe had a fight I was suppose to run out here in this exact spot and you would hurt both of us I said through clenched teeth.

She have a evil laugh. I would have done that yes but it seems you two army fighting but ill still hurt you and only you she said with a stupid smirk on her face.

Everyone took a step forward ready to fight and angel noticed it and her smirk became a frown. " you bitch you brought others to fight with you! Fine next time you see me ill have back up then you and all your friends will be dead little bitch " angel said venom in each word then she disappeared.

Everything makes sense know. That first vision. It was her... She killed



Sorry I haven't updated but I got my phone taken away cuz my family thinks in smoking weed! Like seriously! Not even the teacher I the FREKING school think that but my family does!! Are you kidding me!

Well anyways sorry and hope you like this is where the action happens.


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