Im a princess?

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Holy crap this is it I said in awe and Martha chuckled, "come on guys lets go" we all followed Martha to a huge wall. She knocked on it and someone in armor came out.

Queen Martha is it really you they man said surprised Martha gave him a warm smile and tears filled his eyes. He bowed his head respectfully " my queen we missed you our king and kingdom is falling apart without you where have you been " the guy that looked like a knight said.

I'm sorry, I have brought guest. I want you to inform the kingdom of my presence and our new princess, Martha said looking at me.

The knight eyes popped out of his head and he bowed at me and I blushed.

" right this way my ladies but who are they?" Before Martha could respond I did "there accompanying me" he nodded and we followed him though the huge wall.

And when I say through I actually mean through, there wasn't any doors so he made me and Martha held his shoulder and everyone else held our hands and we went through the wall. IT WAS AMAZING!

We where walking through a long hall, and was looking at all the pictures. One of them fought my eye.

Elizabeth Vanderg 1675-1899. She was the vampire queen for all third years. Of what it says under it she was killed in her bed. She was the most loved queen. He was fair, honest, kind, and respected everyone in her kingdom.

" Ahhhh I see you found my dear Elizabeth" Martha said in a soft tone. You knew her? I asked she nodded her face and said " she was well she all I had, he found me on the street as a human, I was nearly dead as my mother left me to fend for myself. The sight of me saddened Elizabeth and when I was in the verge of death she bit me and I became a vampire. She raised me as her own and I married her son Antonio and became queen. "

"Wow" was all I could say. She gave a light chuckle and shook her head. " come on I want to introduce Antonio to you" I nodded and followed her.

We finally made it to a huge for and when I say huge I'm not over exaggerating it was like 50 feet! The knight opened the door and Martha hesitantly walked in.

My and mostly everyone else had there mouths into a perfect O. The whole room what a bright red and on the tips of every wall there where pictures in gold! In the center were two thrown's. one was all red and had gold on the sides but there was something else on there that I couldn't quite get.

The second one was smaller then the first, it was a brighter red and had gold I it and looked like there was something on it but I couldn't see. I'll jus check them out later.

Martha was slowly walking to a man that looked in his mid 30's. he had black hair and a musclier frame. His eyes where watery as Martha approached him.

WHAT KIND OF SICK JOKE IS THIS! MARTHA IS GONE! he yelled, I saw Martha step back but then start walking agin.

Honey it's me it's re- Martha was cut off my Antonio yelling " NO SHE LEFT I FELT IT OUR CONNECTION IT'S GONE! S-she left me"

Antonio fell on his knees and Martha bent down and hugged him " honey it me it's really me" she said softly and tears started coming out of her eyes.

Slowly he raised his hands and hugged her tightly. They stood there then went to a full blown make out session. I cleared my throat and They both looked at me.

Hey I haven't seen him in 19 years! You just had sex with your mate now let me have it with mine! She said defensively and I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. I looked at gabe and I saw a smirk planted on his face.

Anger surged through me, I forgot he has experience with sex so he's not embarrassed to tell someone. I could feel gabe looking at me and I glanced at him only to see confusion written all over his face.

DANM you guys work fast, Alex said and the blush on my cheeks darkened while Maria giggled.

" my love this is Samantha and her mate Gabriel, Samantha is well I might have took her away and her friends followed" Martha said sheepishly to Antonio.

Antonio chuckled and said " my love I don't care you could have brought a whole 3,000 kids I'm just happy your here" he paused as If thinking about something then continued " your just like mother kind hearted"

" I'm not the only one, at around age 3 Samantha saved my life, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here." I thought I heard proudness in her voice but I shook it off.

Antonio looked at me and said " thank you, without you my love wouldn't be here with me, think you princess" I blushed and nodded my head.

Am I really going to become a princess?


I'm going to make like 2-3 more chapters then this story going to end. I you want a sequel comment and vote and for angels POV 30-20 votes and I have 18 so far.


Please read my other story's I have 6 others so please read. Well bye!!

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