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Fandral returned late in the evening and Megan prepared him a light supper, taking away his torn and soiled clothes. They talked about her encounter with the king.

"You were not scared?" He asked.

"Startled, yes. But not scared enough to let my guard down. If I had, he'd know it was deliberate, and we'd be screwed."


"Yeah, like... uh," fucked, buggered, rooted, stuffed, "done for?"

"Ah, right. He would not really hurt you on such flimsy pretense. I hate to admit it, but he has reformed a little since his time in the dungeons. If he would just free Thor and tell us what happened to Odin..."

"If he did that you'd support him as king?"

"If Odin is dead, and Thor does not want the throne," he shrugged. "I guess so. I will never trust him. But all we really want is Thor released and Odin returned... one way or another."


After a month Megan felt like she was beginning to fit in. She no longer got lost on a daily basis while running errands for Fandral, and she had made a few friends with the other servants. Late at night in the palace kitchens talk between the servants had turned to Loki's latest handmaiden, Sera.

"Has anyone seen or spoken to her in the last week?" Kirilee asked worriedly.

There was silence and a few of the women shook their heads.

Kirilee sighed. "I thought she was going to last longer. She was strong and smart."

"What do you think happened to her?" Megan asked.

"Just like the ones before her I guess. He takes pleasure in breaking them down, he tortures them with illusions, he visits their dreams, sometimes he beats and then heals them and beats them again. And if none of that works they become his personal play toy. When they're broken, sad and paranoid and unable to define reality from illusion, he discards them and gets a new one. Most have gone out to the farming areas to recuperate but I don't know if any of them will recover."

Megan gulped. And this is the reformed version? What have I got myself in to?

Loki had visited her a couple of times while he happened to wander past her in the grounds, and she was certain it was no accident. Whenever she was near the palace she could feel his eyes on her, feel him probing gently for a weakness, either in her body or her mind. This only spurred her on, she spent much of her spare time meditating or exercising.

The following morning she was in her pajamas, mid push-up, when Fandral knocked softly on her bedroom door. "S-sorry sir, I didn't think you'd be awake for another hour. I'll prepare breakfast right away."

"Relax, Megan. I am not even hungry yet." He frowned. "Are you well? You seem to be perspiring."

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just exercising. I can only do it inside my room so I get up early. Did I wake you?"

"No, I just came to talk to you about Loki. He has released his handmaiden, Sera."

"Is she alright?"

"She appears to be, yes. Skittish, as they all are. But otherwise she will be fine. I think he is going to go after you, I wanted you to be prepared. I do not think you will get a choice, or any time to get used to the idea."

That moment of realisation when everything is going exactly to plan, and it's terrifying.

"OK. Good, this what we wanted. Ah, let me get dressed and we can talk over breakfast?"

"Of course. Take your time," he smiled. "Feel free to finish what you were doing, you will need all the strength you can get."

That's comforting.


"I have a proposition for you, Fandral, and I think we will both be pleased. I would like to take your handmaiden as my own."

"My King, I don't see why that would please me. Why would I agree to that when it was I who brought her all the way here?"

"Oh, my mistake. Proposition implies that you have a choice. You do not."

"I do not suppose I will be compensated for the inconvenience?"

Loki thought for a moment, his hand massaging his chin and jaw.

"Yes. Handsomely in fact. You can have Sera. She is much more your type, fair and weak and soft in mind and body."

"You mean I can rehabilitate her. You are too kind, my king." His words dripped with sarcasm and resentment but Loki chose to ignore the fact and play along.

"I told you we would both be pleased." He turned his stare to Megan. "You have an hour to be in my chambers, Megan. Do not keep me waiting."

"Yes, my king." Megan said.

"You will speak only when spoken to. If you have a need to speak to me you will wait with your head down until I tell you to speak. You will look at me when speaking or being spoken to only. Other times are only at my request. I will tell you when I want something, and you will bring it to me without question. When your duties are finished for the day you may go to your room or you may visit friends but you are to be in your room by 10pm. While you are my servant you will wear servant dress, unless I decide otherwise. You will not, at any time, speak to another man unless he is above your station and you are ordered to. Understand?"

"Yes, my king."

"Eyes up, Megan."

"I understand, my king." She repeated, her eyes locking on his. They were blue like submerged icebergs, and equally as cold.

"Sit down," he said, gesturing to a black leather couch. Everything in Loki's chambers was dark, oppressive, a heavy combination of cold hard metal and polished stone contrasting with dark hardwood and leather. Lingering in the cool air was a faint scent from the leather and wood, mixing with Loki's slightly spicy aroma. Loki's chambers were noticeably cooler than Fandral's had been, and she wondered if Loki himself was cool or warm.

Megan sat down on the couch and waited for Loki to speak before raising her eyes to his. "I am not as hard on my servants as rumours would have you believe. I expect a lot from you but I will not treat you with cruelty, and if you are honest and obedient with me I think you will find me almost pleasant. If you disobey me I will live up to my reputation, and you will see how powerful I truly am."

Gulp. What have I done?

"Of course, my king."


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