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"My king," the guard said, kneeling. "I assure you everything here is fine, you do not need to be here in the middle of the night."

"Everything is fine except that I have had a traitorous spy living in my chambers. Put her in the cell with Thor. They can rot and be miserable together." he turned to Megan. "You failed, you weak, worthless, mortal. And all I had to do was let you experience a few seconds of ecstasy. I hope that keeps you warm at night while you rot in the dungeon, or perhaps Thor can take care of your needs now."

"Loki," Megan wailed. "Please don't do this! I lied about my background but my feelings are real. Look into me now and you'll see! Please?"

"I've seen quite enough of you, Megan. If that is even your name." He quite literally threw her into the cell, hard enough that she fell face first on the cold floor and had no desire to get up. "If they cause any hint of trouble...kill her. But make him watch." He gestured to the guards and the force field went up before he stormed away, slamming the large doors behind him.

Megan sobbed on the floor, his seed now drying on her thighs a harsh reminder of what they had done, how tender and gentle he had been. How could she have been so careless? She no longer felt any connection to agent Megan, her transformation into servant Megan was all but complete. The agent she had been trained as would never have let her guard down like that, not even for a moment.

She suddenly felt herself scooped up and placed with care on to the pallet in the cell. For the first time she noted that there was only one, not that she would be sleeping anyway. She sat up and looked her caretaker in the eyes, seeing Thor in the flesh for the first time.

"Agent Beckett, I presume?"

"Yes, Thor. I'm Megan. I'm sorry. I failed."

"I am not any worse off for your attempt. At least I have company. Are you alright?"

She nodded.

"I suppose he treated you the same as his previous handmaidens, although Fandral seemed to think you were in a better position."

"He treated me quite well, actually. In comparison to the others at least. He hated that I could hide my thoughts and see through his illusions, though. And then tonight I let my guard down for just a moment and he found out the truth, I shouldn't have been so careless."

"I am sure you had good reason, and it can always be undone."

"Fandral said you could get me out at any time."

"He can, but not from down here. I am afraid you will be in my company until we form a new plan."

Folded over and cuddling her knees, it was only when Thor stood and removed his shirt, handing it to her, that Megan realised she was wearing nothing but panties. She vividly remembered putting her dress back on and could only guess that Loki had removed it when he threw her to the floor, removing the last remaining dignity from the situation. She accepted the shirt gratefully and slipped it on, fastening the buttons and feeling thankful that Thor was so huge, it came almost to her mid thighs.

"Get some rest, we will talk in the morning. And know that I am not in the least disappointed, nor do you need to be sorry. You have been courageous and strong in your effort to help us. Whatever it takes, I will see you home safely."


Megan tried to flutter her eyes open, trying to dull the harsh light that always illuminated the cells. Where are we at now, day twenty? Twenty one? She had been trying so hard to keep her wits about her, but the days were beginning to merge together and she could barely tell anymore when one ended and the next began. She had visibly lost weight, her bones jutting out in places she hadn't thought about before and her skin loose like an ill fitting suit. Her eyes had sunk into hollows, her skin stretched over her skull like a too tight mask, her cheekbones so tight they looked as though they might cut through the skin at any moment. Loki had refused to allow her clothes, and when Thor began giving her his he had also refused to give him extra. She wore only his shirt, her hair swept into an untidy bun, and spent most of her time huddled on the pallet, the only respite from the freezing cold stone floor. The loss of weight, lack of food and constant sleep deprivation meant that she was always cold, so cold that even if everything else had been in her favour she would be unable to sleep for shivering. Thor did his best to keep her spirits up, but she was teetering on the precipice of complete surrender, and had more than once pleaded with him to snap her neck and be done with it. Hunger and exhaustion also prevented her from meditating, and Megan felt as though she was quite literally losing her mind. Thoughts swirled freely around like tiny neon fish stuck in a whirlpool, she could neither hold on to one for more than a second or purposely let any of them go.

Thor had slowly dragged every detail of her time with Loki from her lips, and the more she went over it the more convinced she was that he had not had any feelings toward her at all, his tenderness just a ploy to get her guard down long enough for him to violate her mind.

On this particular morning she realised she had managed an hour or so of solid sleep, thanks mostly to Thor. He had lay down behind her, wrapping his warm body around her tightly, giving her both softness to cuddle into and warmth to lull her to sleep. She could feel him behind her, his bare chest pressed in to her back, rising and falling with even breath, and his arms holding her firm against him. Even his legs were draped over hers, warming them against the cold of the pallet and the cells.

"I did give him permission to take care of your needs, I do not suppose I should be surprised."

Megan sat upright at the sound of Loki's smooth voice, startling Thor awake.

"Loki," she whimpered. Tears fell down her cheeks, making fresh marks over her already stained and cracked skin.

"Someone has to keep her warm, brother. These cells are not made for humans."

"Asgard is not made for humans. She should have minded her own business, this is her own doing."

"Loki, please," Megan croaked.

"Please what, my love? What is it that your heart desires?"

She forced herself to stand, trying not to give away the effort involved, and walked to the front of the cell where he was standing, placing her palms just millimetres away from the force field which would inevitably throw her to the back wall and burn her skin. "I want to die."

"Really? How?" He smirked, and Megan seethed with anger at his coldness toward her.

"I care not." She said, slowly and deliberately. "It is all that I think about, all that I crave, release from this pain, from the torture of the cold and the hunger and exhaustion. I long to sleep and never wake up, my king."

"Ah but that would make it far too easy now, wouldn't it?"

Something snapped inside her, she was unable to take any more and she knew that the force field would at least bring her a step closer, if it didn't kill her in the immediate future. She pressed her body flat against it, and the skin of her palms, face, arms, chest, stomach and legs literally seared with agony she had never felt before. Barely a second later she was thrown backwards, jarring against the back wall of the cell, cracking her skull on the stone and crumpling to the floor.

"Megan!" Thor picked her up and placed her gently on the pallet, looking for signs of life, thankful that she was breathing and her heart beat rapidly in her frail chest.

"End this, brother. End it now! She has repeatedly asked me to end her life, you have broken what was once a strong and capable woman. She would have loved you, Loki. All of your weaknesses and flaws as well as your strengths. And you have destroyed her. Send her back to Midgard."

"Or what?" There was an unmistakable tremble in his voice, despite his harsh words.

"Or I will find a way to end you. I brought her here, a trained spy, a trained assassin. You do not think I could have you killed if I wanted to?"

"I do not. But I would like to see you try when you are no longer allowed your precious visitors."

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