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"Megan, that was extraordinary. You are just, extraordinary."

"I have certainly never dreamed of experiencing it like that before," Megan said, basking in his warmth.

"Did you mean that? About trusting me?"

"Yes, of course."

"I love you, my beautiful girl. Can you stay with me tonight?"

"I love you too. I can stay as long as you like."

"How does forever sound?"

"I don't know. I'll be very bored while you're off being the king. Could I be your assistant again?"

"Absolutely not. I have a more suitable job in mind for you."

"What's that?" She asked, closing her eyes as she dreamed of living with him again, as his lover and whatever else he wanted. Their hands entwined and Megan explored his long fingers with hers, trailing over them and feeling every inch with her fingertips. He had such beautiful hands, perhaps she could be his manicurist.

"Megan," he sat up and pulled her up to face him, keeping one of her hands in his and the other cupping her cheek, tucking her tousled hair behind her ear. "I want you to be my queen."

"You, what?"

He shrugged, like he had just said he wanted a cup of tea.

"Did you just propose and then shrug?"

He bowed his head and smiled. "Not necessarily, I just wanted you to know what I'm thinking. I know it's too soon, I need to earn your trust."

"Can I even do that? Be the queen when I'm not Asgardian?"

"Why not? I'm the king, love. I do what I want."

Megan laughed softly as they lay back down, she put her head on his smooth chest, her hand resting at the base of his neck with his hair tickling her fingers. Loki wrapped his long arms around her naked body, pulling her close to him and kissing the top of her head, stroking her hair and her back.


Keep your eyes closed. Use the rest of your senses.

Megan shook her head slightly but kept her eyes closed as she was told. She felt as though she were floating, without looking she couldn't tell if it was mid air or on water, but since she didn't feel wet...

She heard nothing. Complete silence, and for that matter she couldn't taste anything either. But she could smell. Loki. Smell his spicy, almost citrusy scent. And another scent that she didn't want to name, but it made her chuckle to herself.

Concentrate, Megan.

In her hand, she could feel smooth soft skin, warm fingertips brushing gently over her palm. She assumed they were Loki's, and using her own fingers to feel their length she confirmed that fairly quickly. She didn't know anyone else with hands like that. For a moment she just enjoyed the sensations around her, strained her ears for something that might give away her location. Without opening her eyes she knew it was dark, and she realised that aside from Loki's hand there was no temperature to feel, no other sensation on her skin. Outer space, perhaps?

Open your eyes.

"Oh my god!" everything dissipated and she was back in bed, laying naked between the satin sheets with Loki next to her, holding her hand. He was laughing.

"You have got to learn to control that, love."

"W-we were... we were floating in space."

"Yes. Among the stars where you belong, darling."

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