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"Unless someone is dying, I will be unavailable for the afternoon and evening." Loki said abruptly to Thor.

"Megan is coming?"

"Yes." A very slight grin danced on Loki's lips.

"Do you have a plan?"

"Dinner on the terrace, perhaps a stroll beforehand if she arrives early enough."

"Is that it?" Thor smiled.

"Yes. Shall I follow your pattern and have her run me over a couple of times? Or is what I have put her through already enough?"

"Point taken. I will ensure you are left alone this evening."

"Thank you."

When Megan arrived Loki was already waiting with Heimdall. As he took her hand to take her back to the palace she couldn't help but laugh softly.

"What's so funny?"

"Was that you waiting patiently?"

"Patience is not something that comes naturally to me." Loki smiled. "I missed you, Megan."


"What do you mean, re-"

"Loki? I missed you too. I'm sorry, I'm in a good mood and I couldn't resist, sometimes I like seeing you squirm just a little."

"Do you know how many ways I could punish you?"

"I do. I also know that you won't."

"Hm. For now."

They walked in comfortable silence, hand in hand, back to the palace. By the time they arrived it was almost dark, and Megan hesitated a little when Loki took her to his quarters.

"I am sorry love, I did not think. We are just having dinner on the terrace, but I can have it moved if you would prefer."

"No, it's ok. I'll let you know if it's too much."

While they ate dinner Loki couldn't help but notice how relaxed Megan was, so different to the last time she visited. He could read her so easily, she was completely open to him now. He looked over her, her hair loose the way he liked it, falling like a silky cascade down her back and over her shoulders. He smiled at the way she tucked it behind her ear only for it to fall out again, the way her green eyes brightened when she looked in to his. She was wearing the plum coloured dress she had worn the first time he had summoned her to his ready room. The first time he had tried to read her and been unable to, and he remembered looking in to her eyes that day and wanting to pull her to pieces. Guilt washed over him, remembering what he had done, and all the other things he had wanted to do to her.

"Loki? What's wrong?" Megan was watching Loki's face as he stared sadly into his hands.


"Don't lie to me, Loki. I can see the tears in your eyes. What's wrong?"

"What I did to you. It weighs on my mind, I wish I could show you how sorry I am. I wish I could take it back."

"I know you do," she reached her hands out and took both of his, squeezing them gently. "It's ok. I know. Time is the only thing that will heal it." Megan leaned into him and kissed his lips, gently at first and then prising them apart, searching for his tongue. Loki kissed her back eagerly but let her set the pace, sucking gently on her bottom lip and massaging her tongue with his. When they broke apart Loki stood up. "I know it is late, but I want to show you something if you can stay a bit longer."

"I'm a big girl, I do what I want." She smirked.

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