Twenty Two

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Megan stood on the balcony outside the throne room, looking over the water and admiring the beautiful golden sky. The air was beginning to cool and she wrapped the heavy black cloak tight around her, folding her arms over her bulging tummy which was barely concealed by her flowing dark green dress with its gold embroidery. In response to his unspoken question, she shared the view with Loki, and felt him approaching even before she heard him step on to the balcony, before she smelled his leathery, spicy, citrus scent. He stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, kissing the top of her head. Sweeping her long dark curls aside, he nuzzled in to her neck and planted soft kisses behind her ear.

"We should get back, everyone will wonder where we are," she said softly.

"I think we've given enough to our Kingdom today, my love. A few moments alone have been well earned. They are too busy talking about us, and the new heir, to notice we've disappeared. Have you enjoyed yourself? You are feeling well?"

"Yes, it's been a beautiful day. I can't wait until it's just the two of us, though." Megan gasped and pulled Loki's hands under he cloak to her belly, and when she felt him smile with delight against her neck she knew he had finally felt the tiny fluttering movements from inside.

"You mean the three of us," he said.

"I'm glad we shared it with everyone today, I'm halfway tomorrow and I don't think I could have hid it much longer. It's a good thing Asgardian wedding gowns are less white and fitted and more intricate and forgiving!"

"Have I told you how absolutely gorgeous you are?"

"Yes, but I will never tire of hearing it." Megan smiled. Loki wrapped his arms tight around her and hesitated when he felt something firm in the pocket of her cloak.

"What's this?" He asked, holding up a leather wallet. He opened it up, revealing Megan's S.H.I.E.L.D. badge and identification. "Something you want to tell me, Agent Beckett?"

"Yes, actually. I clung to that badge long after I should have disposed of it, not knowing who I was or where to find my place in the world. Today I have the answer to all of the questions. Today I became Queen Megan of Asgard, wife of Loki Odinson. My place is here, by your side, mother to your child, your queen. I no longer need to cling to an obsolete title and it's false security." She took one last look at the badge before closing it and letting it slip over the railing into the water below, then turned in Loki's arms and kissed him deeply.

"Come on then, my queen. Our guests are waiting to toast our marriage, and then we can slip away and be alone. Just the two of us."

"Three of us."

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