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"That seemed to go well. You are smiling." Thor said, appearing behind Loki.

"It did, I think. How do I rid myself of this... guilt?" He said, clawing at his stomach as though he could scratch it out with his fingers.

"It is not that simple, brother. I think you will just have to wait, and earn her forgiveness. And then forgive yourself."

"Remind me to thank Jane for teaching you about feelings, Thor. I am fairly certain those words were not your own." Thor chuckled, rumbling beside him as they walked back toward the palace. "There is another thing Jane's insight might be able to help me with though. I believe in Midgard they call it dating?" Thor began to laugh much louder. "This is not a joke, Thor!"


"How did it go?" Grace asked Megan. "I'm guessing from the smile on your face you'll be returning?"

"Periodically, yes I think I will. Grace, I know what he did to you, and I know you're worried. But he does care about me and I will be careful."

"You were in such bad shape when you came back. I don't think you have any idea, although I'm sure you must remember the pain. We didn't know if you'd make it, the burns and your skull fracture were that extensive. I just, I hope he's sorry. And I hope he's worthy."

"I hope so, too. Change the subject, how's it going with Steve?"

Megan saw Grace's face light up. "Yeah it's.... really good. He's uh, well, you've seen him. It's fun. I have little moments of guilt though, I feel like I've corrupted him just a little bit,"

Megan laughed. "So you've corrupted Captain America and I'm trying to reign in the god of mischief!"

"On that note, I think we both should go to bed. I'm exhausted just thinking about it."


Megan and Loki were beside the river, a green blanket protecting them from the cool grass. Spread out in front of them was an assortment of food and wine, and as Megan sipped from her glass she watched the water sparkling as it flowed in front of them. The sound of it trickling over the rocks was calm and soothing, much like Loki's voice as he read to her from one of his favourite books. He leaned his back against a tree, his impossibly long legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the knee with the thick book resting on his thighs. Not all of it made sense to her, there were creatures and names of places she didn't understand, but it didn't matter. The sound of his voice was so deep and smooth, rich and sweet and hypnotic. Megan lay on her stomach, propped up on her elbows, wearing the deep plum dress and had kicked off her shoes to let her bare feet lay in the soft grass and be warmed by the weak sun. Her hair fell down around her neck and face and onto the blanket, and Loki used his spare hand to wrap it around his fingers, letting it flow through them. Occasionally he took her hand in his, tangling their fingers together or tracing circles on her palm while he read, the words falling effortlessly from his tongue, often without him looking at the book.

Lost in his words, it was a few seconds before Megan realised he had stopped reading and was staring down at her with a slight grin. Megan looked up at him, his cold blue eyes had just a hint of warmth, his hand now on her cheek and his thumb grazing her cheekbone. He leaned down and kissed her cheek gently, lingering just long enough for her to turn her face to his and meet his lips with hers. The soft gentle kiss seemed to last an eternity, neither wanting to pull away, savouring the innocent moment.

When Megan opened her eyes the scene slowly faded away, leaving a faint green glow around the darkness in her room which disappeared slowly when her eyes adjusted to the blackness. It only took a few seconds for her to realise Loki had visited only in her dreams, but still when she brought her finger to her lips she thought she could feel moisture from his, taste him, smell him, and hear his voice still ringing in her ears. It had never occurred to her that he could do that, but it was a nice way to see him when she couldn't see him, and she went easily back to sleep with a smile on her lips, hoping that their might be more to come.

Megan consciously waited almost a week before considering a return to Asgard. She wanted both of them to be sure about what they were doing, and she still needed to heal and calm her mind. With Loki working out the way to be king with Thor by his side she didn't want to interrupt, either. Loki had visited her dreams again since the first time, just to say goodnight and kiss her, holding her hand and playing with her hair before he disappeared and she realised he wasn't actually in her bed.

In the dining room eating breakfast with a few others, Natasha approached her with a gold envelope. "How exactly does one get mail from Asgard? I mean I know there's international postage, but is there an inter realm mail service I don't know about?" She handed the envelope to Megan and she knew it was from Loki, she could tell from the way it shimmered green and the script on the front.

"Magic, I would assume. Thanks Nat."

Back in her quarters Megan opened the envelope and was startled when shimmering rose petals flew out of it like butterflies, fading away before her eyes. Magic wasn't always a bad thing. Inside was a short letter from Loki:

{ My darling Megan,

I enjoyed our little dream date immensely, although it was far too short. I have refrained from watching you, as long as I know you are safe and happy I will give you as much time and space as you require. Whenever you are ready to visit me again I will be waiting with open arms, I would like for you to have dinner with me next time you are here if that is acceptable to you.

Until then, my love, I will wait patiently.


Megan had to smile at the last sentence. Loki and patience weren't a natural mixture. She realised she wanted to see him, urgently. Now, today, tonight. Her sensibility told her to wait until the end of the week, so she settled for the following day. She wondered that night if the dream visits were a two way occurrence. She knew he could talk to her, and she remembered, but she wasn't sure if the same worked in reverse. When she went to bed she secretly hoped for the chance to find out.

"Hello my darling. Did you get my letter?"

"I did. And I will see you tomorrow afternoon."

Loki looked around and for the first time so did Megan. They were standing in the same place they had had the picnic in her dream, under the tree.

"You must have been fond of this place, love."

"I was. I am, it was a good choice to bring me back here."

"Ah, but I didn't, darling. You did."

"Wait, I can do that?"

"Sort of. I will explain it all to you tomorrow. You need to sleep, you're tired."

He pulled her in close to him and rubbed her back, kissing her lips and forehead. Megan felt like she was falling asleep standing up, snuggled into his chest, hearing his heart beat beneath her ear. It was all so real. Just as she drifted off she felt him lay her down on her pillow, as though she was being gently realigned with her own body.

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