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Megan didn't remember Loki withdrawing himself, or anything else. She woke up to sun streaming in through the curtains and Loki staring at her. "That's really unnerving first thing in the morning." She said.

"Is it? I don't mean it to be, I just like looking at you."

"You say that now. Wait until I start snoring or drooling or talking in my sleep."

Loki laughed softly. "Never. What would you like to do today? I'm all yours."

"Ooh, I have some ideas then. Actually I was going to come back next week, but someone whisked me away in the middle of the night. I think, I... Um. Do you still want me to be here all the time?"

"I want nothing more, my love. Going to sleep with you in my arms and waking up next to you. I can't wait."

"Well, you don't have to wait anymore. I'm ready to do it."

She saw Loki's eyes widen and then crease with a smile. "Really?"

"Yes. I want to be here all of the time. With you."

"Shall we go back today and finalise it then?"

"OK, let me just- LOKI! A bit of warning, remember? I know you're excited but I can't just go from realm to realm as easily as you!"

He looked at her like a puppy who had just been scolded for lovingly licking her face. "I'm sorry."

Megan looked around at her room at HQ. She didn't have a lot of belongings, and knowing this was only to be a temporary home was working in her favour, she had very little to take with her. "I need to find Grace before I go, would you like to wait here?"

"Darling, there is no way I'm going out there."

Loki sat on the bed reading one of Megan's books, and she found Craig, the psychologist, in the otherwise deserted medical suite. "Do you know where I might find Grace?"

"She's actually taken a weekend break with Steve, she'll be back on Monday. Is it urgent?"

"Uh, no. It's fine."

"How are things going with Loki? Are how are you recovering?"

"Good on both counts. We still have some work to do, as do I, but I'm actually returning to Asgard today. Permanently." Megan beamed. She had decided a few days earlier but hadn't expected to tell anyone just yet.

"You can get out of there if you need to though? And you'll get help if you need it?"

"Yes. Tony made Thor and Fandral promise to protect me if anything changes. Thanks for everything, Craig."


"Alright I'm ready. Grace isn't here though, I'll have to come back in a few weeks."

"So we can go?"

"Yes, Loki, we can. You're so impatient!"

"Megan, are you ready? We're going back to Asgard now." He spoke to her slowly, as though he were placating a frightened child. Megan smiled and nodded, quickly finding herself back in Loki's chambers.

"There's something I want to try if you are up to it." Loki said when Megan was settled. She looked up at him warily from the couch. "Megan," he scolded. "I meant a telepathic exercise. Is everything about sex with you?"

She couldn't help but laugh out loud while they sat on the soft rug and he took her hands. "We're not plummeting from space again are we?"

"No, love. I want you to be able to read me, I don't want to have secrets from you. I want it to be impossible for me to have secrets from you."

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