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They both went about their day, awkward as it was after that morning, and Megan was grateful to have some time to herself while Loki went out in the afternoon. He didn't return until after dinner, and she was fighting not to fall asleep in front of the fire.

"Have you eaten, my king?"

"Yes, Megan, I have." He said wearily. "And you can drop the formalities after this morning, don't you think?"

"Am I not still your servant? Your assistant?"

"Yes. But you do not need to address me so formally. Loki is fine. I insist."

"Would you like a drink then, Loki?"

He smiled, almost imperceptibly, but she saw it in his eyes. "Yes, please."

They sat together on the couch for what felt like hours, in silence. Eventually Loki spoke, "Have you decided, or do you need more time?"

"I want to stay, at least for a little longer. I'm actually beginning to like it here."

"I can not promise anything, but I will try to be more patient, and do better."

"I've never felt conflicted like this. You asked me if I was afraid of you, and I am. Terrified at times. And yet in your arms I felt so safe, like everything was right in the world. It doesn't make any sense, the man I want to protect me is the same man I fear."

"That man you fear has never wanted to protect anyone like he wants to protect you. Even from himself. That is why I wanted to send you back to Midgard."

He reached out for her hair, letting it run like strands of silk through his fingers. As she looked in to his eyes, Megan wished she could just spill everything out, let him see the reason she had come here. But that fear was real, and legitimate. If he knew, he would at least hurt her severely, if not kill her without another thought.

He brought his face closer, and Megan closed the distance to him, kissing his lips. Gently at first, but with increasing eagerness, until she felt his tongue lightly probe her lips apart and the hand in her hair moved behind her neck, pulling her in. With one smooth movement he lifted her into his lap without breaking the kiss and sucked her bottom lip, mingling his tongue with hers. Megan's hand went into Loki's hair, tangling her fingers in it, the other resting on his firm chest, feeling the muscles through the soft fabric of his shirt. She could hear him breathing in to her, smell his comforting spicy scent, and he tasted like the spirits they had been drinking. His fingertips trailed from her neck down her spine, resting on her waist and pulling her in, and Megan failed in her attempt to stop a soft moan from escaping into his mouth. Loki withdrew his lips slowly from hers and tipped her head back gently, kissing lightly down her throat and making her breath catch.

Abruptly he planted her on her feet in front of him and stood up, leading her by the hand to his bed chamber. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he unfastened her dress and slipped it off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Megan couldn't help but notice his eyes widen as he looked over her toned body, clearly not what he was expecting. She took the hem of his shirt and slipped it over his head, revealing the soft smooth skin over his chest. He laid her gently on the bed and straddled her thighs, his hands holding his weight over her shoulders while he looked her over. Megan was amazed at how gentle he could be, knowing the strength he had and what he was capable of, she was consistently surprised by his tenderness.

Megan was awash with sensation as he kissed her neck and ran a hand lightly over her inner thighs, parting them and rubbing over her mound. He held himself on one elbow and stared down at her again, removing his other hand and kissing her lips gently. "Megan, are you sure? This is what you want?" She nodded quickly and pulled his mouth back to hers, slipping her tongue into his mouth to massage his and running her other hand slowly and deliberately over his neck, his chest, his nipples, his abs, and the trail of soft dark hair that disappeared under the waistband of his pants. She unfastened them and moved her hands to his back as he kissed her neck and put a hand between them to remove her underwear, suckling at her breast on his way back to her mouth and slipping a finger between her folds.

He groaned at the feeling of her, so soft and warm and wet on his fingertips, so fragile and lovely, pliable under his large hands. He brought his mouth back to hers, sucking her tongue into his mouth while she clawed down his back to his pants and slipped them off, digging her fingers into the soft flesh of his ass. He kicked them off to the floor and Megan reached between them to stroke the erection pressing in to her hip. She almost gasped at the size, he was much larger than she had imagined, and he moaned heavily into her mouth as she stroked over the tip and down over the length. Breaking the kiss he looked down at her again, his eyes dark, searching hers for permission.

"Loki," she breathed. "Take me. Please."

He positioned himself between her thighs and took his weight on his elbows, kissing her gently while he brought the tip of his shaft just inside her. Megan felt herself stretching around him, and as he slid further inside she ached to feel him deep inside, penetrating her. Giving her time to get used to his girth, he slipped in and out with slow thrusts of his hips, giving her a little more each time, painfully slow and gentle. Loki locked his eyes on hers, watching them widen and brighten as he thrust in to her, his own eyes dark with lust and desire. He continued until she pulled on his hips, guiding him in further, and he gave her his full length, stopping when she winced and gasped. Megan brought her legs up around his waist and reached up to kiss his mouth, and Loki kneaded her breast without moving inside her. She paused and looked up at him. "Please don't stop," she pleaded, and he began slowly moving his hips, thrusting in and out of her and picking up the pace. The feeling of his whole shaft inside her was exquisite and Megan could already feel her orgasm building as his tip rubbed over her g spot.

Looking in to his face she could see Loki was holding back, not wanting to hurt her, and she again began to feel the same security she did when she was in his arms, the beginning of being able to trust him. She pulled his mouth to hers and he thrust his tongue into her mouth in the same rhythm as he thrust his shaft into her core. When he rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger she arched her back and he stroked even deeper inside her, his thrusts becoming ragged as his climax approached. With this teeth on her collarbone and his hand on her breast Megan shuddered and came, her walls contracting around his shaft and milking his seed from him, feeling his hot cum flow inside her and his shaft spasm as he collapsed on top of her.

It was in that moment, finally, that Loki got a flash of images from Megan's mind. He saw her talking to Fandral, saw her training, saw her in a uniform he thought he recognised, seated in a helicopter with someone vaguely familiar. As he rolled off of her and lay down on the bed next to her, his breathing and heart rate slowing, he tried to process the images through the haze of afterglow. While kissing her fingers, stroking his hand gently over her abdomen and listening to her contented breathing, he began to remember what felt like a lifetime ago.

"S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson." He muttered under his breath.

Megan froze. He couldn't know. He couldn't. How? Keep it together, Beckett.

Suddenly Loki stood next to the bed and threw her dress at her. "Get up." He seethed.

"Loki? What's wrong?" Megan pulled her dress over her head and fastened it, smoothing her hair down.

"What's wrong?! Apparently everything is wrong, AGENT Megan Beckett. Did Coulson send you personally for his own interests? Or did Thor and Fandral put you up to this?"


"Answer me!"

"Loki, I can explain, please let me explain."

"You can explain it to the other prisoners in the dungeon and be thankful I do not snap your neck."


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