Twenty One

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Wearily Megan sat down on the couch next to Loki. "That took longer than expected," he said. "Is everything OK?"

"Everything is perfect," Megan smiled. "I am completely recovered, fit and healthy."

She snuggled into Loki's chest, listening to his heart beat under her ear and closing her eyes while he told her about something that had happened in the palace today. Megan couldn't focus any longer and drifted off to the comforting sound of his smooth voice. The next time she opened her eyes the sun was rising and she was in Loki's arms in bed, his warm bare skin pressed against hers, his nose nuzzling her hair and neck.

"Good morning, love,"

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you. I was so tired after yesterday."

"It's ok darling, I understand."

"Can I ask you something? If we wanted children, is it possible?"

"Do you want them?"

"I don't know yet, I just didn't know if it was possible with me being human."

"It most certainly is, I've read about it happening. Not often, but there aren't any problems. And to answer your next question, yes. I do want to have children. You look surprised."

Megan was miles past surprised. She'd have fallen over if she wasn't already laying down. "I just figured you wouldn't want to."

"Of course I do, a little princess just like her mother. Or a little prince who would also hopefully be like his mother."

Megan smiled up at him, scooting up a little so her face was level with his and kissing him passionately. "We should practice now, then. And when the time comes we'll be experts."

"Darling we're already experts," Loki said as he rolled her to her back and fondled her breast. "No harm in practicing though."


Almost a week later, Loki and Megan sat together on the rug, continuing Megan's training. He had asked her to dig up a memory from his mind, and she was becoming increasingly frustrated. "What's wrong my darling?"

"You're blocking me."

"I'm not."

"Well your mind is like a bowl of rainbow coloured spaghetti and every time I pull on one piece I get fifty. It's impossible to separate one thought from another!"

"But you've done it before. What's bothering you? You were reluctant to do this in the first place, and you've been closed off to me since you returned from Midgard."

Megan let go of Loki's hands and ran hers through her hair in frustration. She wasn't ready for this, it was too soon, and this wasn't the scenario she had imagined. "Megan, talk to-"

"I'm pregnant." Megan looked down and closed her eyes, but she could feel his emotions radiating from him like heat from an intense fire. She reached her mind out for his, trying to judge his reaction. She was surprised to see a lot of pink and pale blue again, with just a little orange which she knew now was anxiety. He was happy. Incredibly so. Megan opened her eyes and looked back to Loki and he was smiling, tears pooling in his eyes.

"Have you known about this since you went to Midgard? Or longer?"

"I found out that day. I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner and I shouldn't have let it happen in the first place. I was meant to have an injection around the time I was in the cell and it completely slipped my mind. And then Grace made me have a test before she'd give me another one... and Bam. There it is."

"Oh beautiful girl. Did you think I would be angry?"

"I don't know. I thought you would be a little disappointed that it wasn't planned."

"None of that matters, my darling." He pulled her into his lap and kissed her deeply, wiping away the tears that were now falling over her cheeks. "Valhalla, we're having a baby."

"Yes we are. God it feels good to tell you. I wanted to get my head around it first, I'm already almost three months."

"Do you want to hold the wedding plans until after the baby, then? Or make it sooner?"

"Sooner. I have no desire to wait any longer than I have to."

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