For The Best

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I love y'all sorry it's been so long. I'm 9 months pregnant and have pregnancy brain. Writing a story with that is hard. Lol. Enjoy. I know it's small :/


Pacing back in forth in the waiting room I looked over to where Tee and Shump were sitting. She looked worn out.

She'd been crying since she watched Danni claw at me and fall out. I admit I shed a few tears as Shump scooped her up and put her in the back of my truck.

As I sat in the back with her rubbing her hair she looked lifeless.

I shudder at the thought. It had been hours since she'd been back there and I have yet to hear anything.

I pulled out my phone. It was the same thing I saw before. Calls and messages from Vanessa and her conniving ass mother.

About an hour ago I had listened to one of the messages. All that was on there was her apologizing and her asking me to come back so she could explain.

The one her mother left was comical threatening to release some false shit in the press and I would be sorry.

Her and that baby were the least of my worries right now. I now had to deal with whatever the 'she devil' had to offer, where and how I would produce my next album. Plus I need my baby girl. I just got her back.

They don't even fucking know what's wrong.

"Family of Danielle Vega?" My head shot up so fast. "We're here." The doctor began talking telling us that she exhausted and dehydrated.

"Who is Mr. Alsina?" I raised me hand. He motioned for me to follow him. "Listen, I know she doesn't have a lot of people in her corner but when I asked who her family was she only called on you." I just stood nodding.

"So what happened, Doc?" I needed to be direct. I was losing it here.

The doctor nodded and went right into it. "She's exhausted, sir. No food in her system, barely any water and a lot of alcohol. We had to pump her stomach." I couldn't do anything but nod. It was my fault.

The same thing that happened to me. Exhaustion. Barely eating. Alcohol.

Was this my fault? Why can't I keep this woman healthy. I'm all she has. I should've never let Vanessa come before her. She never deserved to be anything but my number one and I led her to believe she could only be the side chick.


Shit. Why can't I stay the fùck away from here. "Ms Vega?"

"Mm, yeah." I groaned turning to look at the doctor. "How are you feeling?" The older balding Caucasian man asked me.

"Like a sack of bricks smacked me in the head. Plus, my stomach hurts a lot." He nodded towards me. Well sweetheart there was no food or water in that belly, just a lot of alcohol. Pumping your stomach and adding fluids was the only thing to do. You're lucky your liver is still in tact."

I nodded as the tears ran down my cheeks. "Baybeh,..?" I heard his accents he spoke with his head in the door. I was so ashamed I just looked to the window so he couldn't see my pain.

I heard the door close and August's tennis shoes make a sweating noise against the floor as he made his way to my bed. But there was no way he could see me like this.

"Stop. Don't come any closer." I pleaded as my voice cracked and I began to cry harder.

I felt broken. All over again. Except this time it was worse because I did this to myself. There was no one to blame for my life being in shambles and my drinking habit but me.

Of course I could say it was because I felt that I was nothing more than the side chick, yes but I know that wasn't it. I could say it was because of the abuse I received from Eric, but I knew what he was capable of. I could blame August for all the shit he put me through, but again I allowed it.

Throughout the time we were messing around I held the title of side chick proudly. Knowing Vanessa's time schedule so we wouldn't be caught. Pretending to not speak to August. Fucking his brains out daily.

I felt the bed shift, taking me away from my thoughts. "August don't get in here I have Ebola" I tried to state as serious as possible.

"Shut up, Danni." I zipped my mouth closed. He was too stern for me to run my mouth anymore.

I'd only heard him talk that a few times before and I can't even began to hear him go off on me now. "Why?"

I sighed. It's now or never. I preferred never but I had to. He could never be happy with me. I was no good for anyone. "I'm not good enough for you or for anyone else. I'm damaged. I can't love you the way you deserved to be loved. Maybe you should try and make up with Vanessa because that baby will need a father. Hers is gone and isn't coming back."

I looked up finally having the courage to catch his eyes. The way his jaw w
As clenching was scary but he needed to hear this, not just a note or a text I thought of leaving.

"You know what?" He started as he lifted himself out of the bed. "You're fucking selfish. I should've just stayed where I was. You right, you don't deserve what I'm giving you, and not because you're damaged but because you don't love yourself enough to see I love you." I watched him stand up. I knew what I said hurt him but I needed to make this clear for him.

With tears running from my eyes and my aching stomach I managed to croak out these last few words.

"August, please. It's over." After the words left my mouth I instantly began regret them. "Yeah. It is."

After he walked out slamming the door I just held my knees to my chest and just cried. Tee walked in with her eyes wet as mine, probably for a different reason. Thought the whole room I just felt pain.

It was for the best, I hope.

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