1» You're Safe Now

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Chapter One

You're Safe Now

<There's no place like home>


     She stared blankly out the window at the green scenery flashing by her eyes. The cold glass felt good against her aching forehead, and she internally groaned at the sound of her compartment door sliding open loudly. Ugh, people.

    She looked up to see a man with a round belly and a thinning brown hair squeezing his way into the cabin. He had finished putting his old leather suitcase up in the storage rack before he turned and saw her staring at him.

"Hello," he said. "I hope you don't mind. In my search for the candy trolley, I passed by your door and thought you looked rather lonely. I thought you might want some company."

Thea didn't want to be rude, especially since she had a good guess that this was a Hogwarts professor sitting across from her.

"Sure," she said.

"Now you must be the American student Professor Dumbledore mentioned in his letter." He leaned forward and extended his hand. "I'm Professor Horace Slughorn. I teach potions here at Hogwarts."

She shook his hand with a forced smile.

"Thea Bonneville."

     "Pleasure to meet you." He smiled, and she could tell he was a nice man. "Tell me a bit about yourself, my dear."

     "To be honest, professor, I'd rather not."

     "Oh of course, I'm sorry," he said. "Yes, I understand you've been through a lot this past year. I'm very sorry."

     "Thanks," she said. She quietly rested her head back against the cold window and closed her eyes. She was nervous. She was angry. She was tired.

     "I've never been to the United States," said Professor Slughorn, making Thea force open her eyes again and hold back a groan of frustration. "However I must say I have traveled quite a lot in my lifetime, but never to America. Do you think I should someday?"

     Thea gave a small sigh. "Well that depends on how you feel about hamburgers and pigeons."

"I quite like hamburgers," he said. "I don't care much for pigeons though."

"I think you'd do alright there."

Slughorn gave a big smile.

"And you went to Ilvermorny, correct?" She nodded. "Ah! Well you have to tell me all about that school, I've heard wonderful things! But first let me run and find that trolley." He stood up, his large belly straining the buttons of his vest. "Would you like any sweets?"

"No thank you," she said. Slughorn excused himself and left the compartment.

Thea crossed her arms over her chest, slouched down in her seat and closed her eyes, hoping that she appeared to be sleeping.

* * *

     Hogwarts reminded her of home. The stone castle was large and surrounded by mountains, with vines growing on the walls and owls soaring through the air around the towers. If the castle had been made of granite, Thea would've had to remind herself that this wasn't home. Except Ilvermorny wasn't her home anymore. She had no home.

     With Professor Slughorn beside her, they walked through the large front doors into the entrance hall.

     "Miss Bonneville," a prim, Scottish voice said. Thea turned to the source of the voice to find a woman in a green cloak wearing glasses with her hair pulled back into a tight bun. "We've been expecting you. Your luggage will be taken care of after I sort you into your house. Thank you for keeping her company, Horace."

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