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Chapter Fifteen


<Where there is no trust there is no love>


     Thea and Sirius hadn't spoken since their argument. They saw each other everyday that week, sitting on opposite sides of whatever room they were forced to be in together, but they never spoke to one another.

     Their fight had caused a split in their friend group. Lily supported Thea, agreeing with her on how suspicious Remus's illnesses were. The Marauders remained as troublesome as always, though there was an air of seriousness whenever the two groups met. The guys weren't sure why the girls were mad at them, and they didn't know how to solve it. Ironically,  Remus was trying to play as the middle man.

     "Going to Hogsmeade today, ladies?" James said as he sat down in the Great Hall for breakfast. He purposely avoided Thea's gaze.

     "You know I'm not, Potter," Thea mumbled grumpily, glancing around to make sure Sirius wasn't with him.

     "He's still sleeping," James told her. "Poor boy hasn't been resting well lately. What about you, Evans? Going to Hogsmeade?"

     "I might. What's it to you?"

     Thea rolled her eyes at their banter. She had to listen to this all the time; at the moment, she found it sickening.

     "Honestly, Thea, this is getting ridiculous," Lily said. Thea looked up from her plate with a frown on her face. "I know you're frustrated, I am too, but ignoring him isn't going to solve anything."

     "I for one don't know why you two are frustrated," James piped in, slightly irritated. "And neither does Sirius, for that matter. He's mostly just mad that you ruined his weekend."

     "Typical," Thea muttered to herself. "He's too worried about himself to ever think about anyone else."

     James stared at her for a moment, fork clenched tightly in his fist. He let out a low chuckle, standing up from the table.

     "It always surprises me that you don't have more friends, Thea," he snarled sarcastically, then walked out of the Great Hall. Thea gave a frustrated sigh and turned to Lily.

     "This is so stupid!" she said. "Why do they have to lie to us in the first place? And about Remus of all things!"

     "I really think we should just ask them about it," Lily said.

     "I can't remember the last time any of them were honest about the mischief they get up to."

     Thea glared at her plate as she reluctantly ate her breakfast. She found it interesting that Sirius hadn't been sleeping well; neither had she. Sadly, instead of only being sleep-deprived all the time, she was also grumpy and moody.

     "Will you please ask Sirius about it? This fight is between you two." Lily took a swig of her orange juice and began pulling on her mittens.

     "Last I checked you're not allowed to talk in detention," Thea said.

     "Please?" Lily huffed, roughly shoving her hat on her head. "For me?"

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