11» The Slug Club

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Chapter Eleven

The Slug Club

<Actions speak louder than words>


"It's about time!"

Lily trotted down the stairs, her floral dress bouncing with each step. She rolled her eyes at Thea, who stood impatiently in front of the fire place.

"I was only five minutes," Lily said.

"You two look nice," Remus said as he looked them up and down. He sat in his usual spot by the fireplace, his eyes peaking over the top of his book. He then added quietly to himself, "Hopefully they behave themselves like I asked."

"Did you say something?" Thea said.

"Nope!" He smiled and closed his book, rising from his seat. "I'm off to bed. Have a nice night, ladies."

"Goodnight, Remus," the girls said, and then he walked up the stairs to the boys dormitory.

"Ready?" Lily asked. Together, she and Thea exited through the portrait and began walking down the dimly-lit corridors.

When Thea had gotten back to the common room after her meeting with Dumbledore a couple days earlier, she learned that McGonagall had given James and Sirius double detention, which they heartily accepted even though it meant they couldn't attend the Slug Club party. The two acted proud of their detentions, wearing them on their sleeves like medals.

     "Ah, ladies!" Thea heard, snapping her out of her thoughts. They had arrived at Professor Slughorn's office, where Slughorn stood greeting them at the door. His tan robes were taught around his large stomach, but his jovial smile was larger than ever. "So glad you could make it! Come in, please!"

     The girls stepped into the room, where a group of students stood mingling. She recognized Regulus Black walking over to talk with Slughorn. He wore dark robes and had a smirk on his face, just like his brother always did.

     "What are they doing here?" Lily said, drawing Thea's attention. She frowned and looked to see James and Sirius with trays of champagne glasses and finger foods. They were both wearing what looked like uniform robes and were walking around the room.

     "Serving detention, I guess," Thea said. Lily turned her back to them and faced Thea.

     "How do I look? Is my dress okay? Should I go change?"

     "You're already wearing it," Thea said. "Even if it looked terrible, you can't leave now." Her eyes drifted behind Lily where she noticed a boy with dark hair and a big hooked nose. "More importantly, why is that boy staring at you?"

     Lily turned, them turned back to her friend with the roll of her eyes.

     "That's Severus Snape," she said. "I was friends with him but he's a git."

     Thea frowned, wondering what Severus did to make someone as kind as Lily angry.

     "Good evening, Evans," a smooth voice said. Lily turned to see James behind her, tray in hand. He looked her up and down, a lopsided grin spreading across his face. He then offered the tray towards her, and she accepted a glass. "You look beautiful."

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