31» Black

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Chapter Thirty-One


<All that begins, must end>



     Time felt frozen. Thea couldn't breathe. Her limbs were Jell-O, her mind was air, each beat of her heart was the strike of a hammer against her chest. She felt everyone's eyes turn onto her, but she couldn't tear her gaze from him.

     His overall appearance was very different from how she had remembered him. In her memories, he wore trousers and argyle sweaters everyday, his hair short and neatly parted on the side and facial hair always shaved. Now, his skin was fairer and his curly hair was neck-length and unkempt. He had a well-groomed beard and he wore all black robes, but his eyes were the same; dark, cold, unfeeling.

     "You need to leave," said Sirius, standing in front of her. He had his wand in his hand, and time went back to normal. "Or I'll make you."

     Silas smiled and pulled a cigarette from his pocket, placing it between his lips before lighting the end with this wand. He took a drag and blew out a big puff of smoke, then let the cigarette hang in his hand by his side.

     "Your hair has gotten longer," he said to Thea. "And I'm glad to see you're wearing the ring."

     Thea immediately took her mother's ring off her finger and shoved it in her pocket. The smile slid off his face as he returned the cigarette to his mouth.

     "I mean it," growled Sirius, pointing his wand at the man. "She's happy without you in her life so leave!"

     "You're quite the outspoken one, aren't you?" he said. "This is between my daughter and me."

     Lily gave a small gasp that sounded like glass shattering to everyone else. She turned towards James, who was standing protectively in front of her.

     "Wait, that's-"

     "I'd prefer if you didn't speak," Silas said, shooting daggers at her. "I think we'd all like this meeting to remain peaceful, yes?"

     James also had his wand out and pointed at him. Lily took hers out too, but kept it by her side.

     "I'd just like to speak with Theodora," he said.

     "Like hell you will!" said Sirius. "Haven't you hurt her enough?"

     "Be careful what you say to me, Sirius Black," Silas said. "Yes, I know who you are. I know all of you. I wanted to make sure my daughter wasn't befriending the wrong kind of people."

     His eyes darted to Lily for a moment, and then drifted to Remus. He laughed.

     "But there's only so much I could do," he said. "Your headmaster made damn sure I couldn't keep an eye on you while you were in school. Old fool even sent me a letter, warning me to stay away and this and that."

     He took a bored puff of his cigarette before flicking it onto the ground carelessly, not bothering to stomp it out.

     "This chit chat is rather tedious," he said.

     "Well we're not feeling very talkative either," snapped James.

     "I think it would be best if you left," said Remus, his wand out too now. Peter quickly followed lead, until only Thea was unarmed. She couldn't get herself to move her arm, she felt numb. Silas glared at Remus.

Trouble (The Marauders Era» Sirius Black Fanfiction) *Editing* Where stories live. Discover now