12» Four Figures

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Chapter Twelve

Four Figures

<Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard>


     After the Slug Club dinner party and the argument with Sirius, Thea didn't get much sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about what Sirius had said, and it made her angry and guilty at the same time.

     She had thought he was just being a jerk, but he was looking out for her. In a way, he was right; Bertram was a threat that she shouldn't have taken so lightly. She was lucky Sirius was looking out for her.

     But that didn't explain why he was, and continued to be, so rude to Bridger.

     Thea tried not to think of this as she sat down across from him at breakfast the next morning. She needed to sleep soundly again, so she reluctantly decided to be the bigger person.

     Sirius had a copy of the Daily Prophet in his hands, diligently reading the news. His eyes shifted off the page slightly as he noticed her sit down, but he otherwise ignored her. She silently made a small pile of food on her plate.

     "Anything new?" she asked, hoping he would respond and she wouldn't have to apologize, but he didn't. He simply cleared his throat and turned the page.


     He rested his chin on his hand, slightly covering his mouth with his fingers.

     "Sirius, I'm sorry."

     He folded the newspaper and placed it on the table, giving her his full attention.

     "Sorry, what was that?" he said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

     "You heard me," she said. "I'm sorry."

     "One more time." He leaned his body forward, ear towards her.

"Don't push your luck, Black," she said.

"Good morning." James sat down next to Sirius, looking confused as he saw them laughing together. "Did you two kiss and make up?"

Thea choked on her orange juice while Sirius hit him hard in the arm.

"Ow- what?" James said. "It was a joke, Padfoot!"

"Hilarious," Sirius said sarcastically.

"Speaking of kissing," Thea said, trying to ignore how hot her face felt. "What was going on between you and Lily last night?"

"None of your business, Bonneville," James said. "And there was no kissing involved last night... unfortunately."

     Thea and Sirius shared a grin as James continued.

     "But it's only a matter of time before Evans realizes her feelings for me. I mean, how obvious do I have to be? She'll come to her senses soon enough, and I'll be there to- Would you two stop smiling like bloody fools!"

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