30» Frozen In A Moment

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Chapter Thirty

Frozen In A Moment

<The writing is on the wall>


"It seems like this year went by so fast," said Thea. Her and Lily walked along the road in Hogsmeade while the Marauders spent all their money at Zonko's Joke Shop.

"We need to stock up for our last year at Hogwarts!" James had said after they grabbed a big bags worth of candy from Honeydukes and ran into Zonko's.

"I know," said Lily. "It doesn't feel like I met you less than a year ago. Seems like we've been best friends for years."

"I've never had a best friend before," Thea said. "I mean I had some good friends, but never people like you and the boys."

Lily smiled.

"Well you've got us now," she said. "And you'll have to try damn hard to get rid of us!"

They looped arms and continued walking down the road towards the shrieking shack. The air was warm, but the wind was chilly. The girls both wore bell bottom jeans, light jackets and trainers, but Lily had on an Elvis Presley t-shirt and Thea had a loose fitting floral top. The boys all wore jeans, a coat and some type of sweater, except for Sirius who skipped the sweater and instead went for a black, long sleeve Led Zepplin band shirt and no jacket.

Hogsmeade was quiet, yet the townspeople all enjoyed the beautiful weather. Exams were finally over and the students would be going home soon, so the Marauders had snuck out of the castle for one last secret Hogsmeade trip. The rain had finally stopped, and not a cloud was in the sky.

Thea and Lily leaned against the fence by the shrieking shack, feeling the air move their hair and the sun warm their skin.

"Uh oh," Thea said. "I can hear them coming. They found us."

"Hey, Bonneville!" Sirius' voice called out as the Marauders approached the shrieking shack. "I got you your favorite! Chocoballs!"

"Aw," Thea said, taking the bag of candy from him and kissing his lips. "The new flavor of salt water taffy is actually my new favorite, but I still love the chocoballs!"

"You always have a new favorite," he groaned. She wrapped her arms around his waist. He dramatically looked away. "Why do I even try?"

"Because I appreciate the effort."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes while she took a bite of a chocoball.

"Appreciation, yeah whatever."

James wrapped his arms around Lily's shoulders from behind as he kissed her head. She smiled and leaned her head against his.

"It's good to see them finally together," Sirius muttered in Thea's ear as she finished her chocoball. "You don't know how long we've been waiting for this."

"Think they'll get married?" whispered Thea. He nodded.

"Think they'll make me godfather to their children?"

Trouble (The Marauders Era» Sirius Black Fanfiction) *Editing* Where stories live. Discover now