4» Theodora's Secret

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Chapter Four

Theodora's Secret

<Ignorance is bliss>


     "Did you hear?"

     Thea looked up from her barely touched plate, still trying to wake up. Lily and Alice were side by side across from her, chatting animatedly, but then James plopped down on the other side of Lily, and Sirius sat down beside him, beginning to pile steak and eggs onto his plate. She turned to see Remus sit down on her left, then Peter on the other side of him.

     "Hear what?" Alice asked. He flashed them a copy of the Daily Prophet, the pictures on the front moving like usual. Thea briefly caught a glimpse of the picture on the front page: the Dark Mark.

     "Another family of muggles was murdered last night. That's the ninth one in two months."

     Thea's ears perked up, and suddenly she was wide awake.

     "Can I see that?" Thea asked, though she was already reaching over the table and grabbing the newspaper from James' hands.

     She hid her face behind the newspaper, scanning the Daily Prophet article rapidly.

     She hid her face behind the newspaper, scanning the Daily Prophet article rapidly

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     She growled and flipped to page nine. Lily looked at her in confusion, but Thea didn't notice.

     "Thea? Are you alright?" someone said, but she couldn't tell who, because at that moment she found his name, the name of the murderer.

     She felt her face heat up as her eyes glued to the small font on the page. She could see him in her mind; his smooth skin, his scruffy beard, his large hands that held her small ones. The paper began to shake and crumple as she trembled with anger.

     "Thea?" she heard someone say- maybe Lily? Or Remus? They had very different voices, but at that moment, she couldn't tell the difference. She was too enraged. She slammed the paper on the table, squishing the toast on her plate. Then, without a word, she launched herself away from the table and out the Great Hall.

     "What was that about?" James said as they watched her leave.

     "I don't know," answered Lily. "I've never seen her like that before. Do you think she knew that Muggle family from the paper?"

     "Someone should go check on her," said Remus. "Make sure she's alright."

     Sirius met Remus' gaze, then he looked to James. He nodded.

     "I've got it," said Sirius, standing up from his seat. "See you in class."

     He left the Great Hall, pulling a large piece of parchment out of his pocket as he went. He walked into a corridor, quickly checked to make sure it was empty, then pulled out his wand.

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