5» Good Luck

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Chapter Five

Good Luck

<Familiarity breeds contempt>


     With October now passed, the first Quidditch match of the year was quickly approaching. Gryffindor versus Slytherin; and everyone was getting excited, especially Gryffindor. James had been disappearing more often for practices, but he would return late at night with his usual confident swagger.

     Lily, Alice and Thea sat at breakfast as the mail owls began to fly into the Great Hall. Lily was reading the Daily Prophet, Alice was doing homework, and Thea was reading Curses and Counter-Curses, which she had "borrowed" from the library. They all looked up as an owl landed on the table, spilling over a bowl of toast.

     "I got it!" Thea threw her hand holding the letter in the air. The gesture surprised the owl, so it angrily nipped at her raised hand and flew away. "It's a letter from my aunt!"

     She ripped open the letter and quickly read the note from her aunt.

     Darling Child,

     I miss you terribly. The few months you were here were quite comforting. More importantly, there's a thumping noise coming from my bedroom closet. Naturally, I haven't been in my bedroom in two weeks.

     I have attached the permission form you asked for, my dear. I do hope you enjoy your time at that Pig-Town you were talking about.

     Your Lonely Guardian,

     Auntie Ali

     Shaking her head in bewilderment, Thea discarded the letter and turned her attention to the note attached.

     "I can go to Hogsmeade now!" She flashed the letter to Lily.

     "Thats great!" she said, folding her newspaper and eating her breakfast.

"Talking about how Gryffindor's going to win the cup this year?" James said smugly, sitting down next to Lily. Remus sat down beside him, Sirius beside Thea, and Peter on the other side of Sirius. Alice put her head in her hands, trying to focus on her schoolwork.

"No, I got my Hogsmeade permission form." Thea waved the slip in the air. Sirius snatched the Hogsmeade form from her, quickly read it, then grabbed the letter from Aunt Ali and proceeded to read that as well. "Sure, read my mail, Black. Totally not an invasion of my privacy."

"That's wonderful news, Thea," said Remus. "We missed you on the last trip."

"No, actually," interrupted Sirius, not looking up from the letter. "We had loads of fun."

"Wait, you weren't there?" said James.

"James... Sirius..." Remus sighed. He rolled his eyes as the two ignored him and continued their charade.

"I could've sworn you were there," said James, pretending to try and remember.

"Please don't," Remus said.

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