2» Healed, But Still Broken

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Chapter Two

Healed, But Still Broken

<A man is known by the company he keeps>


     Thea's classes weren't very interesting. She had already learned a majority of her studies at Ilvermorny, but she didn't mind. She was passing her classes with flying colors, and all her homework was incredibly easy. Then again, it had only been a few weeks.

     She had yet to formally meet the rest of the Marauders. It seemed like everytime she entered a room, they were racing out, off to create more mischief. That 'adventure' that James told Remus was calling them? They had used a sticking-charm to glue all the desks and chairs in Professor Flitwick's room to the ceiling. Professor Flitwick was surprisingly pleased with how permanent the charm was.

     The days seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, which was rather unusual. It hadn't been very long, but Thea was sick of the sweltering heat. Every night she went to sleep with a very thin sheet covering her body, and every morning she woke up sprawled out on the cool floor. She would shed layers of her uniform, usually walking around in just her button- up shirt, grey skirt and shoes, her red and gold tie very loose around her neck. Lily was somewhat scandalized by how Thea dressed at first, but eventually she decided that it was too hot and took off her robe as well, which increased the amount of times that James would stare at her.

     Remus hadn't been looking well lately. It seemed like each day that passed he looked paler and weaker. Then one day, he didn't show up in any of his classes. Thea noticed a change in the Marauders that day; they were suddenly acting out less, doing what looked like extra class work and speaking to each other in hushed whispers. It was as if a switch had been flicked- one day they were putting Grindylows in the third floor bathroom toilets and the next they were taking detailed notes of their Transfiguration lesson.

     Thea jerked awake, her body sweaty and shaking. Someone, probably her, had left the window of the dormitory open. When she fell asleep, it had been nothing but sweltering hot, however now it was cold and pouring rain. She leapt out of bed and yanked the window shut just as a large bolt of lightning streaked across the sky. Surprisingly, the other girls in her dormitory, including Lily, were still fast asleep.

     Quietly, Thea pulled on her clothes and got ready for the day, even though it was far too early to be productive. She walked out of the dormitory-


     -only to accidentally get shoved by someone rushing by her and go toppling down the spiral staircase. She managed to stop herself before she went halfway down the stairs, but not before she had heard a sickening crack! and felt an incredible pain in her wrist.

     "OW! What the hell!" she said through clenched teeth. She had never broken a bone before, but she unfortunately now knew what it felt like.

     "Oops. Are you okay?" someone asked. Thea realized for a moment that she recognized the voice, but she was too angry to really care. Staring down at her was Sirius Black, the Marauder she was always curious about but wasn't sure she wanted to meet.

     He was tall and medium build, with dark, shaggy hair that went just below his ears. His piercing grey eyes had a mischievous twinkle to them, and he continually ran his hands through his wavy hair. He had what looked like a bundle of clothes and a book bag tucked under his arm. He was very handsome, but at the moment, he was soaking wet.

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