28» Safety in Light

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Safety in Light

<The calm before the storm>


With the Quidditch Cup quickly approaching, the anxious students of Hogwarts became more and more competitive and excited. The tension between the four houses was palpable as they began to choose sides; Gryffindor or Slytherin. Some students would argue to the point of hexing each other, others would prank students from the other houses, and a select few ran through the corridors wearing a Gryffindor flag as a cape shouting "Slytherin won't Slyther-win!" and "Gryffindor rules!", along with many profanities and nonsense.

The only people who participated in all of these activities were James Potter and Sirius Black.

"Potter! Black!" the voice of Professor McGonagall sounded, stopping the boys in their tracks as they bounded into the Great Hall. Both were wearing their scarlet capes and had red paint smeared on their faces. Well, there actually wasn't enough red paint for the two of them, so Sirius used Thea's lipstick all over his face.

"Ah, my favorite supporter!" James said as McGonagall approached the pair. Thea, Lily and the other two Marauders watched in amusement from their seats at dinner. "Are you in the Quidditch spirit yet, professor?"

"Potter," McGonagall said. "If I wanted to be a cheerleader, I wouldn't have to teach transfiguration to troublemakers like you two."

"So what's the punishment this time?" Sirius asked. "Write lines? Dust all the portraits on the fourth floor?"

"Detention," she said. "Saturday evening in my office."

"Saturday?" James said, suddenly panicked. "But-but- Quidditch! Saturday is Quidditch!"

"Next Saturday, Potter," she added. "Though if you win Gryffindor the cup, I suppose I can turn a blind eye to this... display of school spirit."

"Consider it done, professor!" James said, then dramatically swished his cape and sat down at the table with his friends. Sirius pushed Peter to the side and took his seat next to Thea, who rolled her eyes at his attire.

"You look like fools," she said.

"Fools have the most fun," Sirius said.

"What's that on your face?"

"Er," Sirius felt his face blush under the red lipstick. "Look, bread!"

He shoved a roll of bread into his mouth as she narrowed her eyes.

"Aren't you excited?" James said, jumping in his seat.

"Aren't you nervous?" Lily asked. "It's the final match."

"Have some faith in me, Evans," he said. "When we win, I'll even let you hold the Quidditch Cup."

"My hero," she said sarcastically, though she couldn't hide the smile from her face.

"James, stop your blabbing and eat your supper," Thea said. "You need a good night's rest for the game tomorrow."

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