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     Sirius blinked open his eyes, squinting as they adjusted to the brightness. Almost immediately after he realized he was lying flat on his back, a pair of strong hands grabbed his arms and yanked him off the ground, wrapping him into a tight hug.

     "Thank you, Sirius," a familiar voice said. Sirius's heart clenched painfully and his eyes prickled with tears. He recognize that voice. "Thank you for looking after my son."

     Sirius said nothing; he could only return the hug and cling to his best friend as tears of joy slipped from his tightly- closed eyes. He couldn't believe it.

     "Don't hog him all to yourself," a light voice chimed. "Harry is my son too!"

     With a laugh, the two men separated from each other, keeping their hands on one another's shoulder, as if they might disappear at any moment. Sirius opened his eyes to see James Potter smiling back at him; the smile that was usually mischievous now proud and grateful. He looked just how Sirius remembered him- tall and lanky, with messy black hair and a cheeky sparkle in his eyes.

     Sirius looked at his surroundings. He stood by the shore of the Black Lake at Hogwarts, only it wasn't exactly as he had remembered it. The usually black water was clear and undisturbed, as if you could walk on it and not fall through. The grass was plush and green, and all he wanted to do was throw himself onto it and nap like he used to at school.

     "Do I get a hello or what?" Lily Potter spoke up once more. "It's been fifteen years!"

     With a grin, Sirius wrapped her into a bear hug, beyond happy to hear her beautiful laugh again. He stepped back to look at the two. They both looked young and healthy, their skin smooth and glowing, and their eyes twinkling with happiness and pride. Sirius couldn't believe his eyes. It was like nothing had changed.

     "I knew you were stupid, Black, but really?" a voice said. Sirius froze- even his heart seemed to stop from the sheer shock of hearing that voice after all those years. Even if it was lecturing him. "Taunting that woman. I mean, what did you expect to happen?"

     He turned to see Thea, sitting under the big tree by the water. With a huff, she stood up, brushing off her pants and facing him with a stern scowl. Her appearance was the same as James and Lily's, young but mature. Her skin was still clear and fair, hair still dark and curly, eyes still brown and beautiful, but no longer full of secrets. There were no more secrets to keep.

     He couldn't help but think back to the last time he saw her, when she died. Tears threatened to spill from his unblinking eyes.

     "You were supposed to stay hidden!" she said. "You were supposed to stay out of trouble!"

     "That's all you can say?" he said quietly, unfazed by her ridiculing. "No 'Hello, Sirius' or maybe a 'How've you been?'"

     "I know how you've been, Sirius Black!" she said, crossing her arms over her chest. "I've been watching over you for eighteen years. I really thought you were going to make it!"

     "Everyone dies eventually," he said with a shrug, taking a step closer to her.

     "That's not what I meant," she said, her voice softening as she stepped closer to him. "You were supposed to become a free man and clear your name."

     "I'm a Black," he said. "My name means nothing to me."

     "You were going to help Harry defeat You-Know-Who."

     "He was doing fine before I came along." He looked over at Lily and James, standing by the water and looking down at the surface, holding each other. "He's the son of those two, and he's got his friends. I know he'll be alright in the end."

     "You were supposed to get married and have children..."

     "Married?" He chuckled lightly, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I haven't thought about marriage in eighteen years."

     She draped her hand around the back of his neck and pulled his face to hers, passionately kissing him in an attempt to make up the lost time.

     "I'm sorry I couldn't save you all those years ago," he said. She smiled, making his heart skip.

     "Don't be sorry," she said. "We've got all the time in the world now."

     He leaned his forehead against hers and sighed.

     "So I'm dead?"

     "Yep," she said. "Which I'm still mad at you about. Poor Harry."

     "I wish you'd met him," Sirius said. "He's amazing, Thea. You two would've gotten along so well."

     "I know, Lily's been making me watch over him with her all these years. Just wait till you see James during one of Harry's Quidditch matches. He goes ballistic."

     "Sirius," James called out from beside the water. "Dumbledore is protecting him. Harry's going to be okay."

     "Good," Sirius said, him and Thea walking to the edge of the water. They entwined their fingers together and looked down at the still surface, but instead of seeing the bottom of the lake, they saw a faded image of Harry Potter. His face was pale and exhausted from the fight. Then they saw Remus, racing to help him.

     "Your turn, Moony," Sirius said. "Look after him now."

     Harry looked so defeated. He had won this battle against Voldemort, but he lost his godfather. His heart was breaking, and he felt all alone.

     "It's alright, Harry," said Sirius. "You'll be alright."

     "We're all cheering you on," Thea said with a sad smile. Sirius quietly kissed her forehead, somehow knowing that everything would be okay in the end.

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