8» The Pond

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Chapter Eight

The Pond

<A burnt child dreads the fire>


     Over the next few days, Lily became very distant from Thea. She got along well with Aunt Ali, discussing everything but family. She was much more patient with Ali than Thea ever was. Actually, what with Lily giving her the cold shoulder and Ali treating Lily more like family than her, Thea was rather lonely.

     That is, until the last day of Lily's visit.

     "Oh I wish I could do magic!" Aunt Ali said as she washed her hands for the seventh time in a row. "Then I wouldn't have to constantly clean up this messy house!"

     Thea looked around the room; it was spotless and meticulously organized. Lily pretended not to notice.


     The three women stopped what they were doing and looked at one another at the sound of the man's voice outside.

"Rough landing, Padfoot. You need more practice," a familiar voice said.

"Shut up or I'll hex you," another replied.

"Don't let her hear you say that."

"Theodora," Ali said, a look of fear on her face. "What do I do? Should I call the police?"

"No," Thea said. "Calm down, we know them."

Lily and Thea leaped out of their seats and raced to the back door. After she washed her hands one more time, Aunt Ali followed behind them, bringing Bird with her for protection. They ran to the backyard to find James and Sirius there, each holding a broomstick. Sirius stopped brushing snow off of his rear end and smiled cheekily.

"What are you two doing here?" Thea said. "Did you fly here? You could've been seen!"

"Really?" said Sirius, stuffing his wand in his pocket. "My birthday was only a month ago and you've already forgotten. I'm seventeen. I made sure we weren't seen by any muggles."

"You're magic folk, aren't you?" Aunt Ali asked.

Thea ignored her aunt and approached the two boys. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why are you here?" she asked in a low voice.

"We thought you ladies could use some company," said Sirius. He looked behind her and smiled at Ali. "And I wanted to meet your lovely aunt."

"I was bored," said James. She rose her eyebrows as he ruffled his hair and glanced over at Lily.

"Can they be trusted, Theadora?" Ali asked, holding up Bird as a shield.

"Yes," she said. "Aunt Ali, meet Sirius Black and James Potter."

The woman vigorously shook both the boys' hands with Bird stuffed under her arm.

Trouble (The Marauders Era» Sirius Black Fanfiction) *Editing* Where stories live. Discover now