22» The Slow Wind

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Chapter Twenty-Two

The Slow Wind

<Don't cry over spilt milk>


Thea sat silently, her back against the wall and a blanket over her head. She could hear them downstairs, arguing as always. Two days into her Christmas vacation and they wouldn't stop arguing.

"I'm just trying to explain!" the familiar deep, grumbling voice echoed up the stairs and rattled around in her mind. "You won't listen!"

"You're the death of me!" her mothers voice screamed.

Thea's eyes flung wide open. She didn't remember her mother saying that during the argument. She blinked and suddenly she was underwater staring up at the full moon. A large black dog stared down at her from the water's surface, barking in panic. She looked beside her, and a large hand with a golden ring appeared from the darkness, reaching out for her neck. She screamed, the water in front of her turning into a stream of bubbles.

She sat at her desk in McGonagall's classroom. Everyone else in the class sat deathly still, facing forward, quills in their hands but not writing, eyes not blinking. McGonagall wasn't at her desk, instead a large dark figure stood with his back to Thea, his hands resting behind his back. She saw the golden ring on his finger, then saw her own hand moving unwillingly. On her paper, the same three words were being scrawled endlessly.

Don't go home.

Thea woke up to a loud thump! and a pillow smacking against her face. She sat up, squinting her eyes to try and see her attacker in the bright room.

"Ow," she groaned angrily. She looked up at Lily just as she tossed her pillow back onto her bed. "What was that for?"

"Good morning sunshine," she said, spreading the curtains of the other window and making the room even brighter. Thea shielded her eyes and looked away. She became aware of how rapidly her heart was beating and sat up, suddenly wide awake as she quietly recalled her dream. "You alright?"

"Yeah," Thea replied, standing up and pulling on a pair of jeans. "Just a bad dream."

She pulled off her pajama top and held it against her chest as she searched in her trunk for a clean shirt to wear. She ignored Lily's concerned look.

"Was it-"

The bedroom door flung open, and in burst a disheveled, crazy haired Sirius. He took one look at Thea and immediately covered his eyes and his blushing cheeks.

"Sorry! Sorry!" he exclaimed. "I forgot you two were in here. I just needed a pair of socks!" He grabbed the door handle with his eyes closed and quickly exited the room while yelling, "Forget it! I'll be barefoot!"

They stood in silence, then Lily and Thea looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Thea quietly continued getting dressed while Lily chuckled to herself. When Thea had finished brushing her teeth and hair, the two walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where James stood with a coffee mug in hand, leaning casually against the kitchen counter.

"Breakfast is already on the table," he said, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Go ahead into the dining room, I'll follow."

Thea led the way to the other room, but she briefly turned around and saw James lean down to whisper in Lily's ear. He had one hand on her shoulder as he stood behind her, unable to hide the taunting smile from his face. Whatever he said made Lily giggle and quickly look in Thea's direction. The laughter stopped when they saw her scowl, because she knew they were talking about Sirius and the sock incident.

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